Augustine Flashcards
What event shows that Augustine was well respected?
When the city was ransacked during a war, his cathedral was left untouched.
What was the fall?
Adam and Eve ate from the forbidden tree and caused suffering and corrupted the harmony they were previously living in.
What was ‘will’ before the fall?
‘ex nihlo’- from nothing. People could choose good, bad or to reject God.
What was the state of Adam and Eve’s relationship before the fall?
They were friends and had platonic love, yet they were sexual partners and married. They had sex for reproduction and not for lust.
What was ‘will’ after the fall?
Akrasia- divided. This will has rationality, yet is also susceptible to weakness.
What is the term used for the world after the fall?
Post-lapsarian. People are now born with capacity to sin.
What does Augustine believe we strive for?
Summon Bonum
What do Christians believe the fall is?
They don’t believe it’s a historical event, rather an allegory for their spiritual and psychological life.
What do Christians believe the fall is?
They don’t believe it’s a historical event, rather an allegory for their spiritual and psychological life.
What does Dawkins believe about original sin?
He believes it’s dangerous and irrational. It’s unfair for suffering to be based on two human beings.
What does Augustine believe about original sin in the modern world?
People are born with original sin and it’s passed down by procreation.
What does Augustine believe about sex?
It’s corruptive. Married couples should commit to celibacy once having enough children.
What was the name of the religious group Augustine joined before converting to Christianity?
Ahriman- evil force
Ahura Mazda- good.
Constant battle in the universe. (Zoroaster idea).
What did the Manichees believe?
There’s opposing forces of good and evil.
What term did Augustine use for an easy and comfortable friendship?
What term did Augustine use for the unselfish love of others and of the virtues?
In which respects did Augustine believe that humans were in the image of God?
They can still use reason and have a moral nature, yet their inclination is corrupted.
What did Augustine believe was the highest form of love?
Friendship (concordia)
What did Augustine mean when saying the world is corrupted by Cupiditas?
This is the love of wordly, impermanent material things and of selfish concerns, can make people unhappy. Adam and Eve chose cupiditas after the fall and corrupted everything after the fall, passed down tendency to sin to future generations. Humans now have original sin.
What did God bring into the world upon the fall?
Painful childbirth for women and concupiscence
What is concupiscence?
Sexual desires and lusts for material things.
What did Locke argue about human nature and what does it mean?
‘tabula rasa’ humans are born with a clean/blank slate. We aren’t good or bad originally.
What does Roussea argue about human nature?
Humans are generally good.
What does Augustine believe about women?
Women aren’t inferior to men, God made women and men equal. Yet, women should take passive rules in households and men are the decision makers. Punishment to Eve.
What does Augustine think is the one thing that can save humans from eternal punishment?
God’s grace
Name four characteristics of God’s grace.
- Is love and mercy
- Reaches human heart and will
- Gives moral guidance
- Helps the soul understand sin
- Encourages the soul to praise God
- Transform the will to want to please God.
- Calms the soul with forgiveness and hope
- Is demonstrated in the sacrifice of Christ and in the holy spirit at work.
What does the Bible say humans were made for?
Made by God to rule over the world.
When was Augustine alive?
(AD 354- 430)
What type of religious society did Augustine live under?
Religious pluralism- many different religions co-existed.
Describe Augustine’s parents.
Monica was a devout Christian, she shaped Augustine’s beliefs.
Father was hostile to Christianity.
Sent Augustine to school.
Who was Augustine influenced by?
Neoplatonism of Plotinus and St. Paul.
How did Plotinus influence Augustine?
There was only the form of the good that we can find through self-reflection.
Showed Augustine that evil is not a substance and that the Manichees were wrong.
What age did Augustine convert to Christianity?
32, became a Priest and then a Bishop.
What were Augustine’s own personal issues and how did he deal with them?
He had a mistress and had a child, when he converted to Christianity, decided to leave them and marry again.
Writes books, reflects on pre-Christian life and uses it as example of human nature.
How were humans made?
In the ‘image of God’.
‘imago dei’
When was ‘let us make mankind in our image’ said?
Genesis 1:26-27
‘Humanity is inclined…
…to sin’.
When is ‘with painful labour you will give birth’ and ‘your desire will be for your husband and he will rule over you said?’
Genesis 3:14-19
What state was the Garden of Eden in before the Fall?
‘State of Perfection’
What did God command Adam and Eve do when he created them?
‘Be fruitful and multiply’
What did Adam and Eve immediately notice when they sinned?
That they were naked.
What were Augustine’s two essentials for a happy life?
A healthy life and friendship
What was Augustine’s own confession showing that children inherit original sin?
In his autobiographical novel ‘Confessions’, stole a pear from someone else’s garden when he was a child.
What does Augustine say about struggles with celibacy?
Had a mistress then a wife and had an affair. Said that he found it impossible to control sexual desire, so humans are at the mercy of concupiscence.
Why did Augustine have an inconsistent view on celibacy?
Said that people need to take a vow of celibacy and live a simple life. Yet, wrote a letter to woman named Edicia, telling her off for stopping having sex with her husband and thus ‘encouraging him to have an affair’.
What does ‘tabula rasa’ mean?
Humans are born with a blank slate.
Who was Pelagius?
A heretic in Augustine’s eyes. Thought that doing good deeds would get you into heaven.
What is the problem with doing good deeds to get into heaven?
Jesus’ crucifixion would therefore seem futile.
What did Jean Paul Sartre think about human nature?
We are born with ‘tabula rasa’. Humans don’t have a distinct ‘nature’, we gain it through culture.
Existentialist thinker.
What did Aquinas think about human nature?
Humans are generally good.
What did Plato think about good vs evil?
The good is outside of this reality (form of the good). The world we are currently in is bad.
What did Thomas Hobbes think about human nature?
Humans are generally bad. If we get the chance, we do selfish things.
What did Augustine wish to maintain?
The ‘purity of will’. Didn’t allow women to come to his house, not even his sister.
Why might some argue that Augustine is not sexist?
He thought both men and women were made in the ‘image of God’. Women are more passive however, need to stick to domesticated roles.
What is summon bonum?
State of eternal happiness, inspired by Plato’s form of the good. Comes from being in the presence of God.
What does Augustine think evil is?
‘A lack of goodness’.
What is good about Augustine’s theology?
It can be said that humans are naturally inclined to do bad, rather than good.
What are the main criticisms of Augustine’s theology?
Based on ‘fall’, when some Christians don’t think it’s a literal and historical account. So doesn’t make sense to talk of a world ‘before’ and ‘after’ the fall.
Original sin passed down to generations shows and unforgiving God, not omnibenevolent.
What does Jean- Jacques Rosseau think of human nature?
People are generally good, we work for a society is fairer for everyone.
What did Quakers think of human nature?
Humans withhold moral purity.