Sexual ethics Flashcards
Premarital sex and the Catholic church:
Pope Paul VI- marriage is ‘one heart and one soul, and together attain their human fulfilment’.
Can this only be achieved by a man and woman??
Unless you are married, you will never be fulfilled.
- ‘Human love does not tolerate ‘trial marriages’. Catechisms of the Catholic Church.
People that intend to marry but are not married yet.
What happens to people having premarital sex in the Catholic Church?
They are committing a grave sin and will be excluded from Church until living a moral life.
Church of England and premarital sex:
‘accept that cohabitation… is a step along the way’.
Why is premarital sex becoming more common?
Improved contraception, due to second-wave feminism.
Biblical example of the sanctity of marriage:
Genesis 2:24 ‘they become one flesh’.
Extramarital sex:
Seen as way Church protected women’s rights.
Protection of women’s rights:
- Lisa Cahill in ‘Sex, Gender and Christian ethics’ argues wealthy men had concubines.
- Polygamy was common, only women were accused of adultery and only men had the prerogative to get divorced.
- Church bans adultery and divorce, so it is impossible for men to have concubines.
Critique of Church protected women’s rights:
Corinthians, women must ‘obey’.
Eve was made from Adam’s rib.
Homosexuality laws:
1885, legal for male and females to have sex.
This was only matched for homosexuals in 2001.
Homophobia- bible:
‘Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman; that is detestable’. Leviticus 18:22
Sodom and Gomorrah , cities destroyed with ‘brimstone and fire’ because of homosexuality.
Paul in letter to Corinthians said that men who have sex with other men will not inherit the Kingdom of God. But we are focusing too much on the homosexuality
Flaws of applying the Bible to modern debates:
Gareth Moore says many rules are not so forcefully imposed by Christians today.
Like the beheading of John the Baptist.
CoE on Homosexuality:
- Opposes homosexuality, yet they are allowed in the clergy, but HAVE TO remain celibate.
- 2017, Bishops of CoE issued statement, ‘Marriage and Same Sex Relationships’ affirming that marriage is between a man and woman.
- Disputes in CoE, wanted to say that gay members were allowed in Church, but vote taken in General Synod, it was rejected.
Catholic Church on homosexuality:
Inclination is not a sin as long as you do not act on it.
Pope Francis says homosexual relations are not ‘in any way similar or even remotely analogous to God’s plan for marriage and family’.
BUT, he took is back seeing that 150-200 gay men were killed in Italy every year, says if they follow God ‘who am I to judge?’
The United Methodist Church and Homosexuality:
‘We commit ourselves to be in ministry and with all persons’.
We are all ‘imago dei’, so we should all be loved.
Natural Law:
Right and wrong are fixed truths aiming to make humans flourish.
- Procreation is central to intercourse and marriage.
Aquinas quote on sex:
Summa Theologica:
‘The natural style of intercourse is to be observed’.
What does natural law disagree with?
- Homosexual sex.
- Premarital sex.
- Extramarital sex.
- No contraception.
- No masturbation.
All apparent goods, not real goods.
What is the dichotomy with extramarital sex and natural law??
It could allow extramarital sex.
What about people who are infertile??
Eg, Bible where Abraham had child with servant because wife was infertile.
You need to masturbate for IVF. Is IVF unnatural? Or is it using reason?
Fletcher’s situation ethics sex example:
A woman in a prison war camp who asked guard to impregnate her so she could escape.
Spy who has sex with enemy agent to end war.
Both criticised for being extreme circumstances.
We are permitted to break rules to strive for agape.
What kind of approach is situation ethics?
Pragmatic, setting aside fixed moral truth to do what is loving.
What is the problem with situation ethics?
Ripple effect, just focuses on primary people. What about everyone else it impacts??
What was important to Kant?
Consent (focuses mainly on autonomy).
Kant and universalisability:
Applying maxims to everyone.
Surely it would disagree with homosexuality?? If homosexuality was universalised then nobody would have children.
Extramarital cannot be universal.
But surely if Kant is focusing on autonomy, universalisability just means we have a free choice. We don’t have to do the same as everyone if it is neither moral or immoral.
Kant and means to an end:
- No rape.
- No forced marriage.
- Objectifying people, like pornography.
What happens if it involves consent? Strippers, way for them to make money.
Sex and Utilitarianism:
- Consenting adults do as they want.
- Protects freedom of choice.
- ‘Harm principle’- extramarital affairs cause harm in the long term.
- Safe sex for more pleasure, less pain.
- Do we consider the ripple effect or just the people involved?? Those who are homophobic may feel negatively emotionally impacted.
JSM Utilitarianism:
- Fought for artificial contraception to be available to the poor.
- Women’s rights.
Sex should ‘admit no power of privilege on the one side’.
In ‘On Liberty’.
Weaknesses of NL:
- Is it natural for us to only have one partner? We are social creatures.
- Masturbation and homosexuality ARE natural, animals do it.
- Leiser says that condemning people for sexual activity or irrational taboos in society.
- Aquinas was celibate, no understanding.
- Illogical to say an infertile couple cannot have sex.
Evaluation of Kant:
- Ignores emotions which are fundamental to relationships.
- Variation about things not being able to be universalised. Not bad always.
- BUT does focus on consent.
Utilitarianism evaluation:
- Teleological, we cannot always predict outcomes.
- Hedonic calculus difficult in situations.
- Do emotions cloud or judgement?