Pluralism and Theology Flashcards
Who asked the question?
John Hick Norwich- Is Christianity the only true religion?
Alan Race
In ‘Christians and Pluralism’ identified different ways Christians interact different faiths:
- Exclusivism
- Inclusivism
- Pluralism
Definition of exclusivism:
- No salvation other than Christianity.
Definition of Inclusivism:
- Christianity key, but possible for other faith’s to be saved also.
Definition of Pluralism:
- Many paths.
- Only Christians.
- Jesus Christ brought salvation to the world.
- No other path available to salvation.
- Baptism imperative, so you can be cleansed of sin and reborn as a Christian.
- Salvation requires giving up old way of life.
How does exclusivism synoptically link?
Salvation requires giving up old way of life- orthopraxy over doxy.
Baptism- Augustine, we are born with original sin.
How has exclusivism been renamed?
Called ‘particularist’, too have a less hostile demeanor.
But is this not cherry-picking? Still very reduced.
Exclusivist example:
Andy Bannister:
Jesus is ‘the way, the truth and the light’ for Christians.
‘to say all people are equal isn’t to say all ideas are equal’.
‘Truth by nature is exclusive’.
If Christianity is true, other faiths cannot be true.
Jesus Christ is centre to Christianity, you could remove any key figure from other religions, could remove Buddha and the religion would still stand. ‘Muhammed was just a man’.
But if you remove Christ, Christianity falls.
What is another kind of exclusivism?
- Narrow exclusivism.
Different denominations think only they will be saved.
Those who take the Bible propositionally will not like those who see it as myth.
- Broad exclusivism.
Examples of ‘narrow exclusivists’:
- Augustine.
- John Calvin.
Calvinists thought they were the ‘godly elect’.
How do theologians describe narrow exclusivists?
Catholic theologian D’Costa, ‘restrictive access exclusivists’.
Examples of exclusivists:
- Hendrik Kraemer
- Karl Barth
- Brought different Christian denominations together- part of the Ecumenical movement.
- Non Christians must convert to be saved.
- God chooses to reveal himself through Jesus, the Bible and the Church to spread the Gospel.
- No matter what, you will not be saved unless you follow Christ.
- All those not on a Christian path are in danger of damnation.
What do Christians think of conversion?
Missionary work is a duty.
Catholic church and exclusivism:
‘extra ecclesiam nulla salus’ meaning ‘there is no salvation outside of the church’.
UNTIL, the Vatican II (went through all documents and changed them).
- Were more positive and inclusive to other religious denominations in the world’.
Broad exclusivism:
- Anyone that follows Christ will be saved.
- What D’Costa calls ‘Universal access exclusivists’.
Biblical example of Broad exclusivists:
Timothy’s gospel- ‘God our saviour desires everyone to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth’.
Truth= God.
- Karl Rahner, one of the leading voices in Vatican II.
- Christianity is the ‘absolute’ religion.
- Doesn’t like how exclusivism:
Excluded those before Christ.
Neilsen’s ‘cultural relativism’, some do not know Christ.
Jesus was Jew. He wouldn’t achieve salvation according to exclusivism.
BUT, if you hear about Christ, you MUST follow Christ.
What is Rahner’s principle argument?
- Anonymous Christian.
In key text in Vatican II, ‘A light to the nations’, says they don’t know ‘through no fault of their own’.
How is inclusivism responded to?
Kraemer- any other attempt at salvation other than Christ is a ‘misguided’ attempt.
How does Rahner respond to Kraemer?
- Non-Christian religions hold some truth.
- Moses had never heard about Jesus but still knew of God’s grace.
- Calls them ‘anonymous Christians’, Christian in nature but aren’t aware of it.
Final critic to Rahner:
Von Balthasar.
Just because of secularism, we shouldn’t accept a diluted version of Christianity.
- John Hick
- Many traditions can follow us to salvation.
- Share same ‘ultimate goal’.
Analogy for Pluralism:
- The elephant and the blind man.
- Trunk- snake.
- Foot- tree trunk.
None of them are correct, we are all guessing aspects as the same thing.
John Hick context:
- Began as a devout evangelical Christian.
- Wanted to convert others.
- YET, when in University, he was impressed by faith of fellow Sikh’s and Muslims.
- SO, said we needed a Copernican revolution.
Copernican revolution:
- Before Copernicus, believed that earth was a the centre of the universe.
- Copernicus realised earth was one of many rotating around the sun.
- Shifted view of the universe.
- Metaphorical for how not everything is revolving around Christianity, like not everything is revolved around Earth.
Kant’s influence on Hick:
Kant drew up distinction between noumenal and phenomenal world.
Noumenal- world as things really are. God belongs in this world, but our minds are finite so we don’t know.
Phenomenal- world as it appears to us.
Religion is a phenomenal attempt to understand noumenal God.
Platonic idea of the forms?
Does Hick think Christianity is the truth?
It is not ‘the truth’, because like other religions, it has too many flaws.
Who adds to Pluralism?
‘Openness’, not making truth claims.
‘I left Europe as a Christian, I discovered I was a Hindu and returned a Buddhist without ever having ceased to be a Christian’.
Mixed family, Dad- Hindu and Mother Spanish Catholic.
Disadvantage to Panikkar?
You cannot be a Hindu and a Christian.
Christians are absolute, 10 commandments but Hindu’s have no set in stone dogma.
Christian example of exclusivism:
‘I am the way and the truth and the life’.
Christian example of Pluralism:
‘What does the lord require of you? To act justly’.