Pluralism and Theology Flashcards
Who asked the question?
John Hick Norwich- Is Christianity the only true religion?
Alan Race
In ‘Christians and Pluralism’ identified different ways Christians interact different faiths:
- Exclusivism
- Inclusivism
- Pluralism
Definition of exclusivism:
- No salvation other than Christianity.
Definition of Inclusivism:
- Christianity key, but possible for other faith’s to be saved also.
Definition of Pluralism:
- Many paths.
- Only Christians.
- Jesus Christ brought salvation to the world.
- No other path available to salvation.
- Baptism imperative, so you can be cleansed of sin and reborn as a Christian.
- Salvation requires giving up old way of life.
How does exclusivism synoptically link?
Salvation requires giving up old way of life- orthopraxy over doxy.
Baptism- Augustine, we are born with original sin.
How has exclusivism been renamed?
Called ‘particularist’, too have a less hostile demeanor.
But is this not cherry-picking? Still very reduced.
Exclusivist example:
Andy Bannister:
Jesus is ‘the way, the truth and the light’ for Christians.
‘to say all people are equal isn’t to say all ideas are equal’.
‘Truth by nature is exclusive’.
If Christianity is true, other faiths cannot be true.
Jesus Christ is centre to Christianity, you could remove any key figure from other religions, could remove Buddha and the religion would still stand. ‘Muhammed was just a man’.
But if you remove Christ, Christianity falls.
What is another kind of exclusivism?
- Narrow exclusivism.
Different denominations think only they will be saved.
Those who take the Bible propositionally will not like those who see it as myth.
- Broad exclusivism.
Examples of ‘narrow exclusivists’:
- Augustine.
- John Calvin.
Calvinists thought they were the ‘godly elect’.
How do theologians describe narrow exclusivists?
Catholic theologian D’Costa, ‘restrictive access exclusivists’.
Examples of exclusivists:
- Hendrik Kraemer
- Karl Barth
- Brought different Christian denominations together- part of the Ecumenical movement.
- Non Christians must convert to be saved.
- God chooses to reveal himself through Jesus, the Bible and the Church to spread the Gospel.
- No matter what, you will not be saved unless you follow Christ.
- All those not on a Christian path are in danger of damnation.