Liberation Theology Flashcards
What is Marxism?
Forms basis of Communism.
Karl Marx.
Believe religion is the ‘opiate’ of the people used for social control.
View corporate capitalism as making workers merely a ‘cog in the machine’.
What does Liberation Theology focus on?
Orthopraxy (right action first) rather than Orthodoxy (right belief).
- Focuses on the poor and exploitation.
Examples of disproportionate wealth:
1% of the worlds richest are on target to control 2/3 of worlds wealth by 2030.
Where did Liberation Theology begin?
Began 1964, Catholic theologians met in Brazil.
Wanted to act.
Two leading members- Jon Sobrino and Gustavo Gutierrez.
When a person becomes aware of power structures in society:
Paulo Freire
Education transforms society.
What does Liberation Theology promote?
- The Kingdom of God (this world made anew, to work for in THIS world).
- Not Heaven.
How does Gutierrez think LT happens?
- Social and economic, we need to recognise the poverty is caused by US.
- Then you are liberated from sin when you solve the problem.
- Practice and THEN gaining faith in God.
Where does Marxism come in?
‘The more humans have the power to control the world, the more they feel they are not in control’.
‘The Communist Manifesto’ and ‘Das Kapital’ reflect this.
When does Capitalism happen?
When a surplus is produced, fractures in classes.
Feudal lords own the land so can sell the surplus.
Serfs don’t own the land so have to give the surplus to the feudal lords.
Subservience is a problem to Marx, the serfs can never break free, no matter what money they make, always have to give it back.
How does Marx describe work?
A ‘living death’.
Have to choice to work or you will die.
Constantly trapped in the system.
Examples of a Capitalist system:
Rana Plaza
1100 dead.
People used as a means to an end through globalisation.
What did Marx predict?
People would push back against capitalism.
TRUE- 1905 Revolution. Bloody Sunday 22 January.
How is everyone part of the supply chain?
We all buy products making us happy, disregarding who made them.
Where did the revolution Marx had predicted occur?
Latin America.
This is where Liberation Theology steps in.
Talking of stories like the Rich Man and Lazarus doesn’t do anything to help.
Orthopraxy is what is needed.
What does being a Christian require for Gutierrez?
- Being political- ‘I came to bring a sword not peace’, Jesus executed for political reasons.
- Church needs to act as a voice for the exploited.
- Ignore initial doctrines of Sola Scriptura until people’s lives are changed for the better.
Accepting the inequalities:
Structural Sin.
Why is Gutierrez cautious with LT?
Marxism despises Christianity.
- ‘Opiate’ of the people.
- Only things they are endorsing about Marxism is its understanding on action and capitalism.
Just calls these ‘methodological pointers’.
What did LT conclude from Marxism?
A socialist society is better than a Capitalist.
Calls Capitalist leaders ‘professed Christians’, emphasising the irony.
Somewhat Bonhoeffer’s idea of Cheap vs Costly grace.
Preferential option for the poor.
- Bible shows preference to those marginalised (eg Bartimaeus).
- Jesus associates himself with the poor (by the way he dresses).
Church ‘intends to struggle’ for thee ‘rights of mankind, especially the poor’.
Preferential option for the poor:
- Urges people to defend and liberate the poor.
Pope and POFTP:
Pope John Paul II in encyclical- talked about the ‘primacy in the exercise of Christian charity’.
Talks about importance of Charity.
Thinks it can promote growth in community.
BUT, the Catholic Church is hugely wealthy- indulgences?
Why does Pope John Paul II lose influence in terms of preferential option for the poor?
Says that this poverty is ‘spiritual poverty’ as well as economic poverty.
Highlights sovereignty of orthodoxy.
Consumerism fills a ‘spiritual void’, no focus on people in real poverty?
Pope Francis:
2013, challenges Pope John Paul II, should reduce Church’s wealth to fit with the poor.
Said ‘realities are more important than ideas’.
Reduces his ‘papal luxuries’.
Said he would go by bus, so has a normal car rather than a fancy car.
Catholic Church responds to LT:
- Concerned that it was too heavily focused on Marxism.
- Cardinal Ratzinger said the church was focused on the poor but would do so using its own means.
- Marxism is ‘inherently Unchristian’.
Criticisms to LT:
- Kloppenburg said it emphasises structural sin over personal sin. Also thinks salvation will come through God, we do not need to liberate. Theology and politics incompatible, but Jesus very political?
- McBrien, LT only takes some aspects of the Bible. Ignores other kinds of oppression like sexism and racism. YET, isn’t the Church imperative to silencing women?
- Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith says ‘no separation of the parts of this epistemologically unique complex is possible’- the idea that Catholicism and Marxism are incompatible.
Weaknesses of LT:
- Is there nothing good for those who die in the struggle?
- Marx is the ‘opiate of the masses’.
Jesus’ teachings about wealth:
‘It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the Kingdom of God’.
Matthew 19:24.