Test 4 part 2 Flashcards
Hyperbilirubinemia neurologic toxicity – high levels of bilirubin will cross blood brain barrier and cause bilirubin-induced neurologic dysfunction (BIND) by damaging brain tissue
a graph chart used for prediction of hyperbilirubinemia risk levels in newborns according to hours of life and bilirubin levels
mother’s antibodies attack newborns RBC. It is common for mothers with O+ type blood to have naturally occurring anti-A or anti-B antibodies (IgG class) that can cross the placenta and attack fetal RBC with blood types A, B, or AB
ABO incompatibility
differs from ABO and is more severe. Pregnancies at risk of Hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN) are those in which an Rh D negative mother becomes pregnant with an RhD positive child (the child having inherited the D antigen from the father). The mother’s immune response to the fetal D antigen is to form antibodies against it (anti-D). These antibodies are usually of the IgG type, the type that is transported across the placenta and hence delivered to the fetal circulation
Rh incompatibility
occurs when the immune system encounters an antigen for the first time and mounts an immune response
Isoimmunization or sensitization
a condition that is the consequence of a previous disease or injury
Birth trauma due to cephalopelivic disproportion
Shoulder dystocia
Brachial plexus injuries
Other hematomas and bruising
treatment for polycythemia
Normal saline
5% albumin
Fresh frozen Plasma
Polycythemia exchange can be done via
UVC that is not in the liver
LGA secondary to
Fetal hyperinsulinemia and polycythemia
Maternal pre and gestational diabetes
SGA secondary to
Maternal renovascular disease
Vascular damage of placenta
Blood glucose monitoring is required for
Most common congenital anomalies with infants of diabetic mothers are
Congenital anomalies with infants of diabetic mothers is caused by
high maternal glucose early in pregnancy
Why do you observe for tetnay (hypocalcemia) in infants with diabetic mothers
possible delay in parathyroid hormone synthesis after birth
SGA fetal factors
Congenital infections-TORCH Discordant twins 2 vessel cord Trisomies Metabolic disease
Types of IUGR
symmetrical and asymmetrical
IUGR where there is a lack of blood flow through whole pregnancy
IUGR where lack of blood flow in 3rd trimester
Risks for the SGA neonate
Asphyxia Aspiration syndrome Hypothermia Hypoglycemia Polycythemia
Post term infant risks
Increased size CPD Shoulder dystocia Cold stress Hypoglycemia
neonate born after 42 weeks
psotmature syndrome
Caused by withdrawal from narcotics
Neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS)
how much meconium is needed for testing NAS
5 gms