test 3: upper respiratory Flashcards
parts of thyroid cartilage
laminae (wings)
cranial cordu
where thyrohyoid attaches to thyroid
caudal cornu
where thyroid attaches to cricoid
two synovial joints on cricoid
cricoid-thyroid articulation
cricoid to arytenoid articulation
three parts of airway
glottic cleft
infraglottic cleft
functions of upper airway
•Modification of inspired air• a. temperature adjustment• b. humidification• c. removal of particulate matter
- Thermoregulation
- Defense against harmful substances
- Olfaction
- Vocalization/purring
auditory tube
tube from nasal pharynx to the middle ear
surgical approach to guttural pouch
viborg’s triangle
sternocephalicus, mandible and linguofacial vein
how is larynx attached to skull
hyoid apparatus
parts of the arytenoid
which cartilages can become calcified and why
thyroid(body, lamina and caudal cornu), arytenoid (muscular process) and cricoid (dorsal lamina and arch)
(hylan cartilage- gets hard- change in voice)
what part of the larynx are elastic cartilage
corniculate and cuneiform cartilage
what animals do not have laryngeal ventricles?
rumminants and cats
aryepiglottic fold
three cavities of the larynx
glottic cleft
infraglottic cavity
what side is laryngeal paresis on and why in a horse
left side- recurrent gets stuck around aorta
three parts of pharynx
the ___ is the caudal opening of the nasopharynx
intrapharyngeal ostium
The soft palate is continued caudally by the ___
palatopharyngeal arches.
soft palate innervated by
by the vagus nerve. There is some innervation from CNV and CNIX
guttural pouch
Large ventral diverticulum of the auditory tube. The stylohyoid bone divides it into lateral and medial compartments.
laryngeal cartilages
3 single: epiglottic, thyroid, cricoid
3 paired: arytenoids, corniculate, cuneiform
____ are elastic vestibular ligament, attached dorsally to the arytenoid cartilage, ventrally to the body of the thyroid cartilage. Present in the horse anddog, absent in ruminants.
vestibular fold
Ventricularis muscle – part of the thyroarytenoideus muscle.
___ elastic vocal ligament courses from the vocal process of the arytenoid cartilage to the body of the thyroid cartilage.
vocal folds
Vocalis muscle – also part of the thyroarytenoideus muscle.
cranial opening of larynx
the channel lying lateral to each aryepiglottic fold, also called the “lateral food channel or “food gutter”.
piriform recess
Laryngeal Ventricles:
Deep evagination of the laryngeal mucosa forming a pouch which extends between the thyroid and arytenoid cartilages, its opening is between the vestibular and vocal folds (absent in the cat, ox, goat and sheep).
cricoarytenoideus dorsalis muscle
Origin: dorsal lamina of cricoid cartilage
Insertion: muscular process of the arytenoid cartilage
Action: rotates arytenoid cartilage and vocal fold(opens glottis) out of airway.
Innervation: caudal laryngeal n. from the recurrent laryngeal n.
cricoarytenoideus lateralis muscle OIAI
Origin: ventrolateral aspect of cricoid cartilage
Insertion: muscular process of arytenoid cartilage
Action: rotates arytenoid cartilage and vocal fold into the airway (close glottis)
Innervation: caudal laryngeal n.
thyroarytenoideus muscle OIAI
Origin: thyroid cartilage
Insertion: arytenoid cartilage
Action: relax the vocal fold and constrict the glottic opening.
Innervation: caudal laryngeal n.
caudal laryngeal innervates ___
motor: Innervates all intrinsic laryngeal muscles except the cricothyroid muscle
sensory: laryngeal mucosa caudal to vocal folds
cranial laryngeal innervates
motor: innervates cricothyroid muscle
sensory: laryngeal mucosa rostral to vocal folds
three stages of deglutition
oropharyngeal phase
esophageal phase
gastroesophageal phase
oropharyngeal phase of swallowing
(a) oral stage: prehension of food and delivery of bolus to the base of the tongue (Cr. N. V + XII). Presence of this bolus in oral pharynx stimulates receptors (Cr. N. V, IX, X). Initiation of the involuntary portion of swallowing (Cr. N. IX, X).
b) pharyngeal stage: delivery of food bolus from oropharynx to laryngopharynx via plunger-like action of tongue and contraction of the proximal pharyngeal muscles.
Epiglottis is pushed caudally by base of tongue and food. This covers the now-closed glottis.
pharyngoesophageal stage: relaxation of the upper esophageal sphincter (cricopharyngeus muscles) allowing the passage of the food bolus into esophagus.
esophageal phase of swallowing
second step:
primaryperistalsisisinitiatedbytheswallowing reflex.
gastroesophageal phase of swallowing
3rd phase
Termination of the swallowing reflex. The lower esophageal sphincter (Cr. N.X) relaxes, allowing the bolus of food to pass into the stomach.