Test 2 abdomen Flashcards
uterus estrus
uterus dietrus
ovarian follicle
hypaxial muscles
flex the spine
ventral to the vertebrae
epaxial muscles
extend the spine
dorsal to the vertebrae
what is in the carotid sheath?
common carotid artery
internal jugular
vagosympathetic trunk
lymph trunk
two hypaxial muscles in the neck
longus capitis
longus colli
what muscles attach to the nuchal crest?
part of sternocephalicus
part of the splenius
what muscles attach to the mastoid process of the temporal bone
part of sternocephalicus
part of the splenius
longissimus capitis
the arch of the vertebra is made of
space where nerves come out of spinal cord
intervertebral foramen
ANS break down
accessory nerve innervates what neck muscle
BOT and sternocephalicus
three main systems of epaxial muscles
iliocostalis system
iliocostalis lumborum
iliocostalis thoracis
longissimus system
longissimus thoracis et lumborum
longissimus cervicis
longissimus capitis
transversospinalis system
semispinalis capitis
-biventer cervicis
longus capitis
transverse process of C1-7
basioccipital bone
longus colli
ventral bodies/ transverse process of T6
iliocostalis lumborum
wings of ilium→ lumbar vertebrae and ribs
iliocostalis thoracis
12 ribs → transverse process of C7
longissimus thoracis et lumborum
crest of ilium → spines of lumbar and thoracic vertebrae
longissimus cervicis
thoracic vertebrae → transverse processes of C5-7
longissimus capitus
T1-3→ mastoid part of the temporal bone
T3→ nuchal crest and mastoid part of the temporal bone
cervical vertebrae → nuchal crest of the occipital
where the costal and diaphragmatic parietal pleura meet
line of pleura reflection
muscles of inspiration
serratus dorsalis cranialis
external intercostal
muscles of expiration
internal intercostals
serratus dorsalis caudalis
transversus thoracics
semispinalis capitis
biventer cervicis
throacic space caudal to the lungs in a horse
costo-diaphragmatic recess
head of the rib attaches to what?
tubercle of the rib attaches to what?
head= cranial and caudal costal fovae
transverse processes
intercostals get blood from
internal thoracic and aorta
lateral thoracic artery and lateral thoracic nerve
terminal branch of the internal thoracic artery
cranial epigastric
muscle on inside of ribs near sternum
transversus thoracis
pleura around heart
pericardial mediastinal parietal pleura
fibrous pericardium
parietal pericardium
visceral pericardium
space between the two layers of the pleura of the lungs
pleural cavity
space between the lungs and the heart
pleura around the root of the lung
pulmonary ligament
pleura around the caudal vena cava
plica venae cavae
plica vena cava
pleura around caudal vena cava
what makes T cells and shrinks with age
trachea splits into ___ at the ___
primary bronchus
lobes of left lung
cranial lobe (cranial and caudal section)
caudal lobe
lobes of left lung
cranial lobe (cranial and caudal section)
caudal lobe
lobes of right lung:
cranial, middle, caudal, accessory
cardiac notch is on which lung?
right (curvature of the lung where the heart is exposed)
curvature of the lung where the heart is exposed
cardiac notch of the right lung
aortic impression is found where?
left lung
dent in left lung is the?
aortic impression
root of the lung
bundle of major vessels and bronchi on the lung, found in the hilus of the lung
what are the lymph nodes found by the root of the lung
tracheobronchial lymph nodes
branches of the cranial vena cava
last vein to branch into the cranial vena cava
___ is a tiny vessel that channels lymph around the body
throacic duct
the thoracic duct is the cranial continuation of the ____
cisterna chyli
branches of the aorta
what nerve supplies the diaphragm
motor and sensory
middle cervical ganglion splits into
ana subclavia and vagus
fibrous pericardium attached to sternum by
phrenicopericardial ligament
what is in the pericardial cavity
serous fluid
pericardial cavity is the space between the parietal and visceral pericardium
main chamber of the right atrium is the ___
sinus venarum
structure between the cranial and caudal vena cave to decrease turbulence of blood
intervenous tubercle
muscles inside the auricle
pectinate muscles
AV valve is found in the __
atrioventricular orifice
parts of AV valve
parietal cusp and a septal cusp
strings that hold AV flaps in place are ___ that are held in place by ___
chordae tendineae
papillary muscles
ventricles have grooves in their walls called
trabeculae carneae
moderator band
trabecula septomarginalis
right atrium gets smaller before the pulmonary valve, this is the ___
conus arteriosus
what is a remanent of the ductus arteriosus
ligamentum arteriosum
bridge from pulmonary artery to aorta (skip lungs in the fetus)
where do the coronary arteries come from
sinus of the aorta
right dominant heart
humans and horse (subsinuosal IV groove supplied by Right coronary artery)
vein from front of heart to coronary sinus
vein from back of heart to coronary sinus
splanchnics supply what?
The major splanchnic adrenal and ce-
liacomesenteric ganglia and plexuses.
The minor splanchnic nerves adrenal gland, ganglion, and plexus, and they terminate in the celiacomesenteric ganglia and plexus.
The lumbar splanchnic nerves aorticorenal, cranial mesenteric, and caudal mesenteric ganglia and plexuses.
fight or flight
sympathetic trunk and splanchnic nerve
synapse at ganglion, far away form target organ
rest and digest
cervical sacral
vagus and pelvic
very short postganglionic axons (ganglion usually on organ)
recurrent laryngeal branch around what?
left: ligamentum arteriosum of the aorta
right: right subclavian artery
names two functions that are performed by the structure the black arrows point to. The structure is highlighted in the image on the left, which shows the lungs. The lungs have been removed in the image on the right.
it separates the thorax from the abdomen and is involved in respiration
What function does the structure tagged in the images below perform?
it carries ingested food from the pharynx to the stomach
Which one of the muscles labeled A to D in the image below functions primarily in expiration
C : serratus dorsalis caudalis
You are looking at a cranial view of a transection from the thorax from. What is the innervation of the tagged structure?
parts of the diaphragm
What fluid normally flows through the structure indicated the images below?
What is the function of the structure indicated below?
remove carbon dioxide from and add oxygen to blood
What is the function of the structure in the image below?
hold the caudal lobe of the left lung in place
The tagged groove marks one end of an internal heart structure. What structure is directly associated with this groove on the heart surface, and what is its function in the heart?
interventricular septum, which separates the right and left ventricles
What is the function of #3 in the image below?
it carries blood to the body to provide oxygen to the cells
What is the function of # 7 in the image below?
it prevents blood in the right ventricle from flowing back into the right atrium
The structure highlighted in blue and its contralateral fellow return blood to the heart from ___ in all dogs?
head, left forelimb, right forelimb
hole in the greater omentum that allows access to the omental bursa
epiploic formamen
line between glandular and non glandular in a horse
margo plicatus
in horse the spleen is connected to ___ by the ___
renosplenic ligament
fold between ileum and cecum
ileocecal fold
large intestine vs small
sacculations (haustra)
bands (teniae)
what side is the cecum on?
right side
horse: points cranially
goat: points caudally
folds off the cecum
ileocecal (ileum and cecum)
cecocolic (cecum and colon)
common places of obstruction in horse?
pelvic flexure
right dorsal ascending to transverse
which part of the colon is sacculated in a horse
ventral (right, dia, left)
descending colon
the spiral loop of the ascending colon in a goat sits in what?
mesentery of the jejunum
cecum shape
horse: comma
goat: tubular
dog: spiral
spleen ligaments in horse and dog
horse: renosplenic and gastrosplenic
dog: gastrosplenic
parts of the diaphragm
tendinous center
lumbar part
left and right crura
costal part
sternal part
lobes of the liver
right medial lobe, right lateral lobe, quadrate lobe, left medial lobe, left lateral lobe, caudate lobe, caudate process, renal impression, papillary process
which kidney is lower?
orifices of the colon
ileum→ ascending colon = ileocolic orifice
ascending colon → cecum = cecocolic orifice
parts of the stomach in dog
ducts into the duodneum
what drains into the major duodenal papilla
bile duct and pancreatic duct
bile duct= cystic duct from the gallbladder and the hepatic ducts
what drains into the minor duodenal papilla
accessory pancreatic duct
what is the caudal border of the external abdominal oblique?
inguinal ligament that terminates on the iliopubic eminence and the prepubic tendon
prepubic tendon
the caudal border of the external abdominal oblique is the inguinal ligament, it terminates on the iliopubic eminence and the prepubic tendon
external abdominal oblique fibers go
cranial to ventral
same as the external intercostals
vascular lacuna
The ventral portion of the inguinal ligament is interposed between the superficial inguinal ring and the vascular lacuna. The vascular lacuna is the base of the femoral triangle, the space that contains the femoral vessels that run to and from the hindlimb. The inguinal ligament thus form part of the cranial border of the vascular lacuna and the caudal border of the inguinal canal
inguinal ligament
The inguinal ligament form part of the cranial border of the vascular lacuna and the caudal border of the inguinal canal
inguinal ligament is the caudal border of the aponeurosis of the external abdominal oblique. It terminates on the iliopubic eminence and prepubic tendon. The ventral portion of the ligament is interposed between the superficial inguinal ring and the vascular lacuna
attachments of the internal abdominal oblique
origin: tuber coxae (part of pelvis)
linea alba
fibers run cranioventrally from the cranial border of one rib to the caudal border of the rib cranial to it
inguinal canal
the inguinal canal is bounded laterally by the aponeurosis of the external abdominal oblique,craniallyby theinternal abdominal oblique,caudallyby thecaudal border of the external abdominal oblique (the inguinal ligament), andmediallyby thelateral border of the rectus abdominis and by the transversalis fascia and peritoneum.
sheath of the rectus abdominus
external vs internal
lymph nodes at back of horse
subiliac lymph nodes
spleen is on what side of a horse?
very big in a horse
liver can be seen on what side of a horse?
which kidney sits in the renal fossa of the liver?
what part of the horse colon is tightly fixed to the dorsal wall of the abdomen by a very short mesocolon?
transverse colon
__ is the curve in the lung where the heart has contract with the chest wall
cardiac notch (intercostal 2-3)
on the right side of the horse what can you see?
cardiac notch
right kidney in the renal impression of the liver
body and base of the cecum
descending duodenum
Rt dorsal and Rt vental ascending colon
what can you see on left side of the horse?
ascending colon of a horse
ascending colon of a goat
renosplenic ligament
connects the spleen and the left kidney of a horse
4 chambers of the ruminant stomach
parts of the rumen stomach on the left
which side
(can not see the abomasum)
this is the side where the greater omentum attaches to the left longitudinal groove of the rumen
which side?
(can see the abomasum and omasum)
the greater omentum on a goat attaches where
on the right side: greater curvature of the abomasum, pylorus, duodenum
on the left side: left longitudinal groove of the rumen
how to get into the omental bursa
epiploic foramen
what part of the rumen stomach is closest to the diaphragm?
reticulum (puts it right under the heart- hardwear disease)
label the rumen
what part of the rumen is not covered by the greater omentum?
dorsal sac on the left side
what side can you see the spleen on the goat
what attaches to the right longitudinal groove of the rumen
deep leaf of the greater omentum
where does the superficial leaf and the deep leaf of the greater omentum join?
caudal groove of the rumen
what side of the goat can you see the spiral loop
right side
what side and what animal
left of goat
(can see spiral loop= left side)
How does the function performed by structure “A” differ from the function performed by structure “B”? “A” stores bile produced in the liver, and “B” delivers it to the duodenum
“A” stores bile produced in the liver, and “B” delivers it to the duodenum
What does #12 in the image below do in the living animal?
“A” stores bile produced in the liver, and “B” delivers it to the duodenum
Why does blood from the gastrointestinal tract drain into the hepatic portal system instead of draining directly into the caudal vena cava?
blood from the GI system needs to pass through the liver to be detoxified before being returned to the general circulation
Identify the function performed by #4 in the image below
calices collect urine from the renal pyramids
what animal?
where does gastric digestion take place in a dog?
a horse is a ___ fermentor
___ is the main fermentation chamber in the ruminant
___ is where glandular digestion takes place in a cow
ruminants are ___ fermentors, Fermentation take place ___ food passes through the glandular stomach
another name for anal sac
peranal sac
mesentery that supports the female repro tract
ovarian follicle produces what hormone___
after ovarian follicle, ovulates the oocyte it becomes the ___ and produces what hormone ____
corpus luteum
area under the urethra in female ruminants that make it hard to pass urinary cath.
suburethral diverticulum
area of bladder between ureter entrance and urethra
trigone of the bladder
cavernous tissue in the walls of the vestibule
vestibular bulbs
ligament between uterine horns
intercornual ligament
area around the external cervix
fornix of the vagina
space between the rectum and the uterus
rectogenital pouch
space between rectum and body wall
pararectal fossa
space between the vagina and the bladder
the space between the bladder and the abdomen
pubovesical pouch
in the prostate, bump on the urethral crest
colliculus seminalis
what flows through the ejaculatory duct?
horses and goats: semen, ampullary and vesicular
dogs: semen, ampullary
inside the prostate is the ___ with the ___
urethral crest
colliculus seminalis
horse repro
horse penis folds
differences between bull and stallion external genitalia
fibroelastic penis
very big and long retractor penis
bulbospongiosus (stops early)
musculocavernous penis
small retractor penis
bulbospongiosus goes almost entire length of penis
difference in corpus cavernosum in dog vs stallion
goes all the way
turns into os penis
blocked goat is cause by
the urethral process very small and spiraled
dorsal urethral diverticulum are found in which animal
male ruminants
sympathetic trunk comes off the ___
ventral branch → communicating ramus
nuchal ligament connects to the ___
supraspinous ligament
branches off the cranial vena cava
compare vertebrae
where the spinal nerves come off the vertebrae
what is this pointing too?
costo-diaphragmatic recess
throacic space caudal to the lungs on both sides of the horse
muscle of expiration inside the rib cage
tranversus throacis
outermost layer of the heart pleura
pericardial mediastinal parietal pleura
right atrium: two parts
sinus venarum
right ventricle getting thinner =
conus arteriosus
internal thoracic artery branches into the ___
cranial epigastric artery and superficial epigastric artery
splanchnics supply what
sympathetic (fight or flight)
vascular lacuna
where the femoral vein and artery come out
cranial border is the inguinal ligament which is the caudal border of the external abdominal oblique
aortic hiatus
dorsal passageway between the crura for the aorta, the azygos vein and the thoracic duct
(hole in the diaphragm where the aorta, azygos and thoracic duct do through)
caval formamen
where the caudal vena cava pass through the diaphragm
(located at the junction of the tendinous and muscular part of the right side of the diaphragm
path of digestive in dog
cardiac part of the stomach, fundus of the stomach ,body of the stomach, pyloric part of the stomac, pyloric antrum, pyloric canal, pylorus, duodenum, cranial duodenal flexure, desending part of duodenum, caudal duodenal flexure, ascending part of the duodenum, duodenojejunal flexure, ilecolic orifice, cecocolic orifice, ascending colon, right colic flexure, transverse, left colic flexure, descending colon, rectum, anus
hilus of the kidney
indent in kidney where vessels and ureter enter
renal pelvis
expanded part of the ureter within the kidney
renal sinus
fat filled space that contains the renal vessels and the surrounds the renal pelvic
renal cortex
contains the renal corpuscles and convoluted portion of the tubules
outer part of the kidney
renal medulla
middle/inner part of kidney
arcuate branches of the renal vessels
The vessels that are apparent at the corticomedullary junction are the arcuate branches of the renal vessels
renal crest
The longitudinal ridge projecting into the renal pelvis is the renal crest, through which collecting tubules of the kidney excrete urine into the renal pelvis.
renal pyramids
pelvic recesses of the renal pelvis
right triangular ligament
The right triangular ligament extends from the right crus of the diaphragm above the central tendinous part to the right lateral lobe of the liver.
left triangular ligament
extends from the left crus of the diaphragm to the left lateral lobe of the liver.
coronary ligament
The coronary ligament is a sheet of peritoneum that passes between the diaphragm and the liver around the caudal vena cava and hepatic veins. On the right it is continuous with the right triangular ligament, and on the left it is continuous with the left triangular ligament. Ventrally, right and left parts of the coronary ligament con-
verge to form the falciform ligament.
falciform ligament
round ligament of the liver
liver to the body
remnant of the umbilical vein
horse stomach
omentum in a ruminant
space where intestines live in a ruminant
supraomental recess
males and females both have ____ in the urethra. males only have the ___
urethral crest
colliculus seminalis
two parts of male glans
bulbus glandis, pars longa glandis
retractor penis = ___ in females
retractor clitoridis muscle
transversalis fascia:
reinforces the parietal peritoneum and attaches it to the abdominal muscles and diaphragm
4 peritoneal reflections:
folds in urinary bladder
paranal sinus is surrounded by the
external sphincter muscle
fluid absorption
mucosal folds
principal brochi branch into ___
lobar bronchi
lymph nodes near the hilus of the lung
tracheobronchial lymph nodes
thoracic duct is a continuation of ___
cisterna chyli
left and right tracheal trunk are ___
lymph drainage from the head which will drain into the thoracic duct and then the left brachiocephalic vein into the cranial vena cava
post ganglionic sympathetic ganglion will release ___
parasympathetic are which CN?
3,7,9 and 10
difference is post ganglionic substance released between sympathetic and parasympathetic
sympathetic: norepinephrine
par: acetylcholine
fibrous pericardium to the sternum and diaphragm
phrenicopericardial ligament
pleura of the abdomen
connecting peritoneum
extends between the parietal and visceral peritoneums and forms a mesentery that suspends the organs of the abdominal cavity and contains their blood vessels and nerves
___ reinforces the parietal peritoneum and attaches it to the abdominal muscles and diaphragm
transversalis fascia
the median ligament of the bladder used to contain what fetal things?
urachus and umbilical arteries
two parts of the caudate lobe of the liver
caudate process (right side has renal impression for R kidney
papillary process (left side -surrounded by the lesser omentum
gallbladder is located
fossa between the right middle lobe and the quadrate lobe of the liver
cystic duct + hepatic ducts =
bile duct
bile duct is formed by ___ and ___
cystic duct from the gallbladder
hepatic ducts from the lobes of the liver
most fixed part of the small intestine
where is the left lobe of the pancrease
in between the superficial and deep leaf of the great omentum
what holds the ductus deferens together near the bladder
genital fold