Test 2 lecture digestive Flashcards
digestive system functions
receives, stores, breaks down, absorbs and holds and eliminate wastes
accessory tissues of the digestive tract
salivary glands
other organs:
spleen, kidneys, adrenal glands
the liver main function is the ___
metabolism of proteins, carbs and fats
the pancreas has ___ and ___ functions
endocrine and exocrine (enzymes)
The salivary glands produce___
mucous enzymes
another name for the stomach
ventriculus or gaster
functions of the stomach
retention and digestion due to HCL and enzymes
the ___ is the principle organ of digestion and absorption in most specied
small intestine
Large intestine is made of the ___
cecum, colon, rectum
the main function of the ___ is the absorption of water and electrolytes, storage of feces and fermentation of unabsorbed and undigested ingesta
large intestine
carnivorous digestive tract
pancreas and protein break down proteins and fat
simple stomach
short simple intestinal tract
omnivorous digestive tract
mixture of food types
simple stomach and small intestine
expanded large intestine
herbivorous digestive diet is __
lower nutritive valve, therefore needs increased volume to try to get enough nutrients
herbivorous diets are less digestible and made of ___
cellulose, complex carbs
complex carbs in a herbivorous diet can only be utilized if first broken down by ___ in a process called ___
microbial fermentation
the breakdown of complex carbs by microorganisms is a slow process called ___ in a large chamber(s) which hold ingesta for this process
microbial fermentation
herbivores can be ___ or ___ fermentors
foregut (cow- rumen)
hindgut (horse)
foregut fermenter generally have:
large divided stomach
intermittent feeders
a cow has a stomach with ___ chambers:
examples of 4 chambered stomach animals
cow, goats and sheep, deer, giraffe, antelope
___ are foregut fermenters that have a 4 chamber stomach
___ are forgut fermentors with three chambered stomachs
reticulum, rumen, abomasum (no omasum)
cardiac glands in wall of rumen and reticulum
(camel, llame, alpaca)
what is different between a ruminantia and tylopodia?
ruminantia (reticulum, rumen, omasum, abomasum)
tylopodia (reticulum, rumen, abdomasum) no omasum, cardiac glands in wall of rumen and reticulum
the ruminant foregut can be divided into two sections
forestomach (proventriculus)
cellulose and carb breakdown
rumen, reticulum, omasum
“true stomach” ventriculus
the rumen, reticulum and omasum of a ruminant is called the ___
forestomach (proventriculus)
the abomasum of a ruminant is called the ___
true stomach (ventriculus)
in the ruminant stomach which section is the biggest?
___ are large chambers that allow for soaking, mixing and fermentation by bacteria and protozoa
rumen and reticulum
in ruminants: entrance of the esophagus is located dorsal to the ___ fold
in the ruminoreticular compartment, dorsally where there is gas production that has lots of ___ on the lining mucosa
in the ruminoreticular compartment, ventrally there is ___ on the lining mucosa
less irregular mucosal lining
In the ruminoreticular compartment, absorption of what occurs?
volatile fatty acids, important for digestion
reticular groove has a reflex to divert ingesta ___
beyond the rumioreticular compartment
(skip/ go quickly through rumen and recticulum to get to “true stomach faster”)
the reflex to divert ingesta beyond the ruminorecticular compartment is stronger in ___ than ___
unweaned animals
adults (stimulated by ADH)
the reflex to divert ingesta beyond the ruminoreticular compartment is initiated when receptors in the ___ and ___ are stimulated. This is innervated by the _
mouth and pharynx
dorsal vagus nerve
___ happens in the ruminoreticular
gas→ solid→ slurry → liquidy/broken up zones
omasum in a cow is shaped like a ___
big muscular ball
very round
in small ruminants the omasum is ___ shaped
in the omasum, ingesta is squeezed between ___
many mucosal folds
absorption of fluids happens in which section of the ruminant stomach?
___ of the ruminant stomach is similar to the ___
simple stomach
the abomasum secrets ___
Hcl and enzymes
in a neonatal calf __ of the total volume of the ruminant stomach is the abomasum
motility of the different sections of the ruminant stomach
Reticulum motility
Biphasic or triphasic
1-2 contractions/min.
Rumen motility
Uniphasic or biphasic
1-2 contractions/min.
Omasum motility
Abomasum motility
Sluggish contractions
the 4 Rs of rumination
redeglutition is ___
re-swallowing of cud in a ruminant
regurgitation is caused by ___ intraesophageal pressure. Due to forced inspiration with a ___ glottis
reverse ___ in the esophagus helps with regurgitation
another name for burping
___ liter of gas/minute produced in the ruminoreticulum of a dairy cow
primary stimulus for ___ is gas in the dorsal sac of the rumen
eructation (burping)
a cow will burp every ___
2 cycles of ruminoreticular contractions
what is special about the stomach of a kangaroo?
sacculations and longitudinal bands
similar to ascending part of the large intestine of the horse
stomach has 3 parts:
sacciform forestomach, tubiform forestomach, hindstomach
hindgut fermenters
simple stomach
enlarged jejunum, cecum, and large intestine
___ segment of the colon of a horse is greatly enlarged
ascending segment
has sacculations (haustra) and bands (formed by concentration of external longitudinal muscle and elastic fibers → teniae
another name for sacculations
what part of the horse digestive system has sacculations
cecum, ventral colon and descending colon
the bands on the ascending colon of a horse are made by ___
also called teniae
external longitudinal muscle and elastic fibers
what blood vessel supplies the intestine
cranial mesenteric
the enlarged jejunum, cecum, large intestine in a horse is good for digesting ___ and ___
cellulose and carbohydrates
what part of the horse digestive system is banded
hindgut ferementers
horses, rhinoceros, tapirs
hind gut fermenters
the cecum is found on the ___ side of the horse
route of food through horse:
duodenum, jejunum, and ileum
cecum, right ventral colon, ventral diaphragmatic flexure, left ventral colon, pelvic flexure, left dorsal colon, dorsal diaphragmatic flexure, right dorsal colon
transverse colon
descending colon
what innervates the digestive system
paraysympathetic (rest and digest)
dorsal and ventral vagus nerve
___ is complete paralysis of the rumen
dorsal vagotomy
blood supply of the digestive tract depends on species
celiac artery, cranial mesenteric artery, caudal mesenteric artery
twisting of the digestive tract that leads to abdominal pain
pigs have what type of digestive system
kidneys produce what two hormones
renin, which plays a vital role in the regulation of systemic blood pressure, and erythropoietin, which influences erythropoiesis.
bovine kidney
In structure the bovine kidneys are of the multipyramidal type, The separate
medullary pyramids are capped by a continuous cortex, which appears fragmented by fissures
extending inward from its surface. The cortex (Fig. 28.27/4) is clothed in a tough capsule that is easily stripped from the healthy organ, except toward the hilus, where it blends with the wall of the ureter. The cortical and medullary regions are distinguishable in gross sections by the much
lighter color of the former and by the cut vessels that mark their mutual boundary. The glomerular
vascular tufts scattered through the cortex may be visible to the naked eye. The apex (papilla; Fig.
28.27/3) of each medullary pyramid fits into a calyx or cup formed by one of the terminal branches
of the ureter; these branches eventually unite to form two major channels that converge from the
cranial and caudal poles to yield a single ureter (see Fig. 5.23). There is thus no large central
expansion corresponding to a renal pelvis.