test 1 Flashcards
loa loa
eye worm, skin swelling
txt with diethylcarbamazine
which infection may mimic peptic ulcer
strongyloides stercolis …. vomiting diarrhea epigastric pain
txt with ivermectin, bendazole
pt migrates from seira leone ,,, has fever chills headache ,,, after txt ecg shows torsades pointes
malaria.. quinine
pt has lyme disease wats the txt and SE
doxyxyline … photosensitivity
B tubulin dissembly …. which drug
mechanism for vincrisitine
bind b tubulin but inhibit microtubule formation
DNA alkylating agent … today only used in CML stem cell transplant
crosslinking DNA
pt cant lose weight what does the doc prescribe with diet and exercise
orlistat …. inhibiting gastric and pancreatic lipase …. inhibtion of fat hydrolyzation
is an anorexiant … amphetamine … appetite suppresent
when can we use terabinafine
oral agent to treat tinea infection of hair and nails and topical for skin
classical conditioning
natural response is elicited by a learned or conditioned stimulus
why is G6PD important
it reduces NADP to NADPH …. which reduces glutathione …. protects against oxidant injury
which drug given in arrhythmia inhibits sodium potassium adenine triphosphate
increases CO and doesn’t effect venous return
txt for shingles
famciclovir … guanosin analogue
postherpatic neuralgia and its txt
after shingles .. txt with TCA, pregabalin or gabapentin
pt complains of floaters and flashing lihts
retinal detachment
how can one confirm Parkinson diagnosis
L dopa fixes the tremor
what are risk factors of breast cancer
early menarche, late menopause, obesity
germline mosaisicm
parents don’t have the disease but all children do
mutation in egg or sperm
MELAS lactic acidosis stroke like episodes
passed down from mothers
gram negative lactose fermenters
e coli and klebsiella
positive oxidase
pseudomonas and n meningitidis
facultative anaerobes vs true obligate anaerobes
e coli vs mycobacterium and nocadia
aids pt MRI shows hyper dense areas of demyelination
JC virus… deficits of speech memory coordination
painless hematuria and travelling outside USA
schistosomiasis …. squamous cell carcinoma of bladder