resp onc 10 11 Flashcards
hep c
hepadena virus
hep b
Chinese patients has liver mass … liver enzymes increased and complains of abd pain
hep b virus
C is usually asymptomatic and some sort of history with blood mixing shd be present (drugs tatoos etc)
lisch nodules
NF 1 ch 17
pt with shwanomas what else can u expect
NF2 ch 22 merlin gene
meningiomas, eye tumors and cataracts
loss of parasympathetic fibers carried by CN III would cause
atypical pneumonia what is the most sensitive method to identify the causative organism
nasopharyngeal PCR
long term treatment for asthma
B2 agonist long acting
Gs stimulation
inhibition of protein kinase A
mass in left frontal lobe … fried egg appearance
oligocytes sued to myelinate central axons
pt has burning senstation in mouth …. intermittent asthma … whitish film on tongue and inside cheeks … persistent day time cough and nighttime awakening
diag and txt
candida infection …. pts with asthma can be txt with steroids that increases risk of candida infection
Ascaris, hookworms, and pinworms.
terabinafine mechanism
inhibits squalene oxidase
txt for onnychomycosis
whch medication decreases synthesis of estrogen and progesterone
antiandrogen …. blocks the androgen receptors
abundant RER can be seen in which disease
Multiple myeloma … malignant prolif of plasma cells … plasma cells are differentiated B cells that can releas specific antibodies
fatty acid metabolism
MM what can be seen interms of kidney
bence jones
female itchy ulcerated lesion of the nipple
what underlying condition to check for
pagets disease
large halo like cells on histo
check for in situ or invasive ductal carcinoma
can phyllodes tumors cause ulceration
yes but not eczematous rsahs
hodkin lymphoma txt
ABVD adramycin bleomycin vinblastine dacarbazine
rmmber it is an immunesuppp
so use in autoimmune diseasea
pt has CML … after txt he presents with crackles in lungs cough and dyspnea … what drug is causing these symp
busulfan … alkylating agent
imatinib is more linked with joint pain, edema, vomiting etc
uterus larger than expected … BHG higher than expected… what is diag and complication
hydatiform mole ./…. choriocarcinoma
30 years old female …. knee pain… tender effusion and xray reveals distal epiphyseal lesion ,,,, nonsclerotic and sharply defined border
giant cell tumor
age 20-40 more common in women
younger boys and onion skin on xray … diaphysis of bone
ewings sarcoma t 11 22
tumor has bimodal age distribution …. grows on metaphysis of bone … codmans triangle periosteal shadow or sunburst appearanceq
which cells are the main responders in chronic bronvhitis
CD8 toxic t cells
Infiltration of eosinophils and CD4+ lymphocytes is characteristically seen
Necrotizing vasculitis and granulomatous eosinophilic tissue infiltration is characteristic of
eosinophilic granulomatosis churg strauss
appearance of a “pearly papule” with telangiectasias
Ziehl-Neelsen s
n both CLL and SLL, the body produces high numbers of abnormal B-lymphocytes.
function in humoral immunity
pt in locked in state …. on ventilatot … daughter expresses her father didn’t want to be kept alive on machines
as a physician what do u do
respect autonomy
take offff ventilator
what other signs can be seen with tension pneumothorax
JVD due to increased intrathoracic pressure
Pancoast tumors noemally strangulate
second order preganglioninc sympathetic neuron that pass thru inferior cervical or stellate ganglion
first order sympathetic damage would occur in
lesion at level of cervical spinal cord, hypothalamus upper thoracic spinal cord
third order sympathetic involvement
injuries superior to thoracic cavty such as carotid dissection
retinoblastoma in a patient explain the mutation (I chose inherited)
rmmber Tumor suppressor genes require a two hit hypoth
so the first Rb was mutated but in order to get the cancer SPORADIC mutation of the other gene must take place
clearance of drug formula
0.7 x Vd /t1/2
tumor lysis syndrome lab findings
hypocalcemia with hyperphosphatemia, hyperkalemia, hyperuricemia
txt allopurinol
ER +ve breast cancer in postmenopausal women .. after resection what drug do u place her on
aromatiase inhib
Hodgkin disease txt
BEACOPP cancer chemotherapy regimen: Bleomycin, Etoposide, doxorubicin (Adriamycin), Cyclophosphamide, vincristine (Oncovin), Procarbazine, and Prednisone.
C3b function
potent opsonin
IL3 function
like GM CSF prolif of myeloid lioneage
mediators of anaphylaxis
C3a C5a
abnormal prolif of metanephric blastema
Wilms tumor
malignant transformation of renal tubular cells
which electrolyte imbalance is closely related to disorientation and coma
t 14 18 translocation
follicular B cell …. BCL2 on ch 18 is antiapoptotic
t 11 14
mantle cell lymphoma …. cyclin 1 in an oncogne
c myc activation
Burkitt … oncognene
what is defective in ataxia telengectasia
DNA repair mechanism
Noninflamed (or “cold”) skin abscesses , coarse facies and retained primary teeth
job syndrome … hyper igE
ttp eczem recurrent infc
wiskot Aldrich
cystic enlargement of the liver, berry aneurysms, hypertension, and mitral valve prolapse.
childhood supratentorial tumor and presents with headaches and bitemporal hemianopia
Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia typically presents with hyperviscosity syndrome, adenopathy, and hepatosplenomegaly
also IgM
BCR-ABL is a 9;22 chromosomal fusion resulting in constitutively active tyrosine kinase.
this is an activation of proto oncogene