resp onc 8 Flashcards
HIV positive, feet swelling, brown purpuiric lesions over ankles… cd<300
diagnose and txt
Kaposi aids def illness
txt with interferon alpha
interferon alpha can treat what
hep B C Kaposi
pt presents with a right flank mass and hematuria ….. ct shows multiple foci in lungs too … tumor is removed and what txt shd be given after this ?
diag of RCC
recombinant IL2 should be given after RCC
IL2 is secreted by all T cells —– activates natural killers to get rid of other cancerous cells
monoclonal CD20 … B cell neoplasm
IL2 recombinant
this is an antibody against HER 2
what can make a female patient with breast cancer and history of HER +ve breast cancer, hysterectomy a good candidate for tamoxifen therapy?
remember tamoxifen is SER selective estrogen receptor modulator that may also act as an agoinist in endometrium as for this woman she has no uterus so its OK
that can help with osteoperosis too as it blocks osteoclasts
what is a case control study
group of ppl with the disease are compared with a grp of ppl with no disease
homeless IV drug user … purple plaques …biopsy spindle shaped tumor cells
Kaposi HHV8
tumor of endothelial cells
cisplatin mechanism and use
cross link DNA
used in testicular bladder ovarian and lung cancer
SE – nephrotxic prevent with amifostine (free radicle scavenger)
horner syndrome
ipsilateral ptosis, anhidrosis and miosis
most common lung cancer that can cause horner
pt has sulfa allergy and pneumocystits what would be the txt
5 month girl …. runny nose fever cough sneezing…..bilateral wheezing and ronchi
most common cause is RSV ss -ve sense RNA
RSV contains two surgace proteins G protein that enable sattachment and F protein that enables fusion
pt has infection with crptococcus and after txt he presents with hypokalemia and hypomagnesemia
what could be the cause
txt with amphotericin
this can be an adverse reaction of amphotericin
what allows cancer cells in DCIS to by pass the basememnt membrane
secretion of metalloproteases
congenital diaphragmatic hernia can complicate into?
pulomary hypoplasia…. pulm hyprtension and this lead to increase PCWP >22mmhg
40 yrs old man ,,,, muscle aches fever and Gi symtoms intitially … Colorado … as disease progressed the pt had signs of P edema
hantavirus … deer urine
infected with a flavivirus
acute GI symptoms.. fever
west nile
encephalitis GI disturbance
txt for infec with H.influenza
amox…. ceftriaxone
ulcerated lesion on lower lip
Blastomyces dermatitidis is a fungus that is mostly found along
Mississippi River and in Central America
beryliosis occupation
aerospace industrial equipment
foundries and sandblasting
ollege students, who have a dry cough, headache, and dyspnea and diffuse patchy interstitial infiltrates
Mycoplasma pneumoniae. macrolide antibiotic
macrolide antibiotic
Methylation of the 23S rRNA in resistant bacteria
long term effects of IV roids
avascular necrosis, abdominal striae and increased girth, suppression of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, hyperglycemia, osteoporosis, moon facies, buffalo hump, immunosuppression, and impaired wound healing.
hibits IgE binding FCeRI,
bilateral lower extremity weakness, spastic gait, back pain, and urinary incontinence.
hs an exudative eczematous rash affecting his scalp, axillae, and groin.
these symptoms were gradual
characterized by myelin destruction within the spinal cord and brain
streptococcal pharyngitis allergic to penicillin what is the txt
azithromycin macrolides
hyper- and hypolucent areas, destruction of the cortex, with a rise in the periosteum
helpful mnemonic for the characteristics of pneumonia caused by Klebsiella
Aspiration pneumonia, Abscess in lung and liver, Alcoholism, currAnt-jelly sputum, and diAbetes.
txt cefazolin
klebsiella is oxidase -