immuno Flashcards
bouchard nodes
found on pip in OA
hard,bony outgrowths
RA finding in joints
bone cartilage erosion
origin of melanocytes
neural crest cells
notochord gives rise to
nucleus pulposus of the disc
connective tissue, muscle, bone, cartilage, cv organs, repro organs
epithelial parts of GI tract, lungs, urethra
parenchyma of pancreas and liver
medullary cords conain
plasma cells and macrophages
t cells …. absent in di george
extracellular pathogens are presented by wch MHC
MHC II invariant chain
3 alpha 1 beta globin chain
MHC 1 B2 globulin
cell surface molecule on all t cells
CD 3
CD 14
CD 28
binds B7 onAPC
t cell receives first signal but no second signal what happens to this
anergy … known as peripheral tolerance
post gi infection child develops intusussception … why
peyer patches hyperplasia …. M cells present the antigen to B cells
job syndrome
hyper igE …. inability of helper t cells to make interferon gamma F coarse face Abscess T retained primary Teeth E igE Derma eczema
antimicrosomal antibodies
pt has anemia, oral ulcers, photsensitivity rash but VDRL positive for syphilis too … whats the diag
SLE anti sm and an ds dna …. ths pt prbbly has antipohospholid antibodies that cross react with cardiolipin used in the vdrl test
pt has weakness and diplopia due to eyelids what tumor is assoc with this
pts with sjogern syndrome are at high risk of wch cancer
non hodkin marginal b cell lymphoma
antimitochondrial antibodies are a hallmark for
PBC, autoimmune t cell atttackkkk on small intralobular bileducts
post streptococcal glomerulonephritis hypersensitivity type
type 3…. immune antibody complexes activate the complement
igA gomnephritis vs post strept
timeline … post strept after 3-6 weeks of infection with GAS
igA presents with nephritic syndrome concurrently with upper respt symptoms
lumpy bumpy subepithelial deposits
post strept
mesangial deposits seen in
igA nephropathy
cant see cant pee cant bend my knee
reactive arthritis ….. salmonella shigella Yersinia camphylobacer
graft vs host disease is a type of which hypsenstvty
typ 4
hematopoetic stem cells have CD
erythema nodosum describe it
inflammation of subcutaneous fat …. in corhns disease,uc, tb, coccidomycosis, histoplasmosis
tnf alpha inhbitors what should u be careful with
check for tb …. can activate latent tb as tnf is used for granuloma formation in tb
pt receives foreign proteins … develops rash, fever and glmnephritis in 10 days
why is this
serum sickness… type 3 …induction of affinity matured b cell resp takes abt a week
endotoxin present on gram negative cell wall that leads to septic shock
LOS like in niseria menigitidis
recurrent pyogenic infections, inability to mount an igM response, eczema, thrombocytopenia
wiskot aldich ….
what is the site of self peptide loading on MHC1
rouigh endo (cytosolic or viral)
which common drug used in psych blocks the release of thyrpoid hormone
calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate deposition in CT
weakly birefiringent
nikolsky sign is seen in
pemphigus vulgaris … antidesmoglin
spike and dome apprnce
membranous glom
starry sky appearance on immunofluoresence
post strept glom
def of decay acc factor
young patient hemoptysis with concurrent hematuria…. worked in dry cleanin
gooooodpasture …exposure to hydrocarbon solvent in cleaning dyes and cigarette
increased wbc count and >20% blast lymphoblastic cell
ALL mostly in children, they have neutropenia
birebeck granules are found in langerin cells which are APC in skin… these activate what type of cells?
T cells
treatment of brutons agammaglobulinemia
IV immunoglobulin
how is wiskott Aldrich different to brutons in terms of Ig
wiskot has increased igA and igE
if ccd4 count is less than 185 pt is at risk of whch bacteria
listeria (intracellular)
extracellular can be controlled by humoral resp
infection with helminths is monitored by
IgE that activates eosinophils
autoimmune hemolytic anemia txt
corticosteroids firt line
ascceding paralysis post diarrhea andfever
guillan barre ….. txt with immunoglobulins
abo incompatibility reaction type
HSTN typ 2 …. igM attack the rbc
ankylosing spondylitis
Reactive arthritis
what cells are req to kill virally infected cells
NK cells
T cell markers
CD 3 CD28
B cell markers
CD 19 20 21
NK markers
CD 16 56
How are the numbers of b cells and nk cells in di George syndrome
Kaposi sarcoma
hhv8 , malignant prolif of spindle cells and endothelial cells
GM CSF works on what precursor cell
myeloid stem cells
pt develops recurrent candida inf … no HIV … wat cell is resp for this
T cells …. rare codition called chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis
tetanus diptheria and hep c vaccine can cause wat immunological reaction
arthus type 3
which immunoglobulin opsonizes bacteria
recurrent pneumonia, ear inf, fungal inf and candida suggest wat
HIV … check for CD4
CGD is diagnosed by what test
negative dehydrorhodamine test
high affinity for il2 receptors
binds to mtor protein and stops t cell prloif
binds to fk binding protein
HLA DR5 what diseases are linked to this
hashimoto and pernicious anemia
what does IL 1 do
increase hypothalamic set point temperature …. fever
guillian barre mechanism
it is autoimmune
in penicillin induced hemolytic anemia penicillin acts as a…
what is a hapten
cannot illicit immune resp on its own.. needs to bind to a protein
GVHD what organs are mostly effected .. also symptoms are related to this
gut diarrhea
skin rash
liver elevated alp
kid with eczema, two rows of upper lower teeth and leathery skin with cold abscess, recurrent staph inf
job synd …. hyper igE ….th17 fail to produce il 17… leads to inability of neutrophils to respond top stimuli
acute phase interleukin
il6 … 1, 8 TNF alpha
immigrant from central America … childhood asthma and atopic dermatitis… presents with loss of eyebrows and eyelashes … diminished pinprick and light touch
what disease is this and what interleukin is imp for this pt
leprosy …. th1 mediated so interferon gama is imp
lambert eaton …. mechanism
presynaptic ca channels ….. overstimiulation helps elicit a respoinse
abnormally large platelet can be seen in
ITP … because body tries to make more platelets
ITP mechanism
antibodies to gp11b IIIa …. low platelets, large platelet size
low igM and increased igA and G
wiskot aldrich
live attenuated vaccines illicit wat response
humoral and cell mediated
examples of live vaccines Music and lYRICSS
MMR, yellow fever, Rubella, Influenza (intranasal), chickenpox VZV, smallpox, sabin polio
inactive or killed vaccines
only humoral response
examples of killed vaccines
RIP Always
Rabies, Influenza (injection), polio salk and HAV vaccines
one spike of fever in a day … in children…. high wbc count … arthralgia … rash on body
systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis
granulomatosis with polyangiitis
cANCA, lungs liver and nasopharyngeal symptoms
follicles in lymph node
site for b cell maturation, pale centers are active
how will b lymphocyte deficiency show up on LN histo
no follicles in cortex ,,,, treat with gamma globin injection
pt with hodkin what type of graft
autogenic … no need for immunosuppression… least likely to be rejected
diptheria vaccine type
toxoid ….
pt has spider angioma and low igA what is the conditon
ataxia telangectasia …. triad of ataxia, immune def and spider angioma
ataxia telengectasia mechanism
ATM gene defect… failure to repair double stranded breaks
igm in free circulation can bind how many antigens
kid has migratory polyarthritis and nodes in elbow
rheumatic fever /… auntoimmune
azathioprine maine SE
bone marrow suppression
dacalizumab mechanism
monoclonal ab that binds IL2 receptors
reed sterberg cells mostly positive for
CD 15 and CD 30
borrelia burdorferi is a …
spirochete cork screw shape
def of metaloproteiase
TTP …. this breaks down large vWF muitimers