Terry 8 Flashcards
short term memory
memory limited both in duration and capacity; active control processes are used (how to code, where to direct attention…)
short term retention
measured in retention tests to show retention of information in STM
primary memory
conscious memory- short term
secondary memory
long term, not immediately conscious
working memory
separate stores for verbal and spatial information. short term memory is useful- where we notice if we’re working, do calculations. it’s a work bench. ACTIVE model
distractor task
used to quantify duration of immediate memory over delayed intervals; provide something to be learned then have them do a task, then recall items
memory span
longest sequence of items that can e recalled in correct order after a single presentation
proactive interference
information learned earlier disrupts the recall of information learned more recently
release from proactive interference
it’s hard to remember items in the same category because of proactive interference, but when you step in and offer different category, recall improves
word length effect
can remember more items when they’re shorter words
Atkinson-Shiffrin model
info comes into STM and if it stays there for long enough it goes into LTM. PASSIVE model
acoustic coding
how information is encoding in short term memory, in terms of sound- important in STM. what the word sounds like, using the sound to repeat it to ourselves (passive)
transfer from STM into LTM
suffix effect
saying something at the end of a task may cause a previous item to be booted out from the STM; must be a speech syllable
articulation hypothesis
part of what limits formation of items in STM is how you pronounce them
breaking down something long into meaningful units to increase the amount you can hold in STM
apparent capacity
memory capacity can appear larger
limited duration
items in STM fade after a certain amount of time
distractor test
introduce items for a person to remember, but prevent them from rehearsing
Baddiley and Hitch memory model
2 different kinds of memory- you can hold 7 verbal items and 7 images
phonological loop
storage of verbal material in STM; processing and remembering
visuospatial sketchpad
retains visual/spatial information
executive functioning
focus, allocate, distribute attention over tasks
episodic buffer
integrates info across phonological/visual, central executive, and info entry and retrieval from LTM. bridge between what you’re learning and how it relates to LTM which is why you can remember things longer than 7 items in STM if it’s like a phrase
central executive memory
controls and deploys attention (dual tasks by switching back and forth or focusing half on each one). coordinates stored information, does problem solving/planning
semantic encoding
in LTM you remember words based on their meanings rather than their sounds- more likely to mix up synonyms than words that sound alike (active)
can form long term memories but not short term memories- evidence that info can bypass short term memory, or that there are different types of STM and he just can’t do verbal
verbal encoding
when shown an image, people recode it into words and rehearse the words
delayed matching to sample procedure
a sample stimulus is remembered, then after a brief delay, choices of stimuli are given. when the participant chooses the one that matches the sample they get a reward
control processes
after presenting stimuli, the tester tells you you don’t have to remember them and you instantly forget them
verbal suppression technique
repeat irrelevant speech sounds while remembering a string of words; remembering a picture while performing a visual tracking task. a single STM store is doing 2 things at once, so interference occurs
effects of age
need more study time, slower to switch from one task to another, more distracted by other stimuli in the environment
stereotype threat
when there’s a negative stereotype about mental ability in a group, making the person in that group think about it will lower their performance
memory-attribute model
memories are complex and contain several attributes (auditory + visual etc) the rate of forgetting may be different for each attribute
multistore theory
STM has a limited capacity, old items can be displaced by new items, rehearsal of info sends it to the LTM, STM does control processes