Malott 19 & 20 Flashcards
concurrent contingencies
more than one contingency operating at the same time
differential reinforcement of other behaviors
give a reinforcement for any behavior except the one you want to diminish (concurrent schedule) only involves reinforcement
differential reinforcement of incompatible behaviors
reinforce a good behavior that cannot be performed at the same time as a bad behavior (that way you’re reinforcing the good and not allowing the bad to happen)
differential reinforcement of alternative behaviors
enforce what you want them to do, punish what you want them to stop- they can do both at the same time [use the reinforcer that they used to get from the bad behavior to reinforce the good behavior]
action rule
to change behavior, use behavior, not words
continuous-response avoidance
keep doing the behavior continuously to avoid the loss of reinforcers
matching law
your behaviors match the available reinforcements in the environment
symptom substitution
problem behaviors are symptoms of an underlying mental illness; if you get rid of a symptom another will take its place until you get rid of the underlying mental illness
forward chain
reinforce one behavior until it’s well established, then require that they do that and then another, then they get the reinforcement. keep reinforcing the chain until it gets to where you want
behavioral chain
each behavior produces a stimulus that reinforces the behavior that caused it. that stimulus is also an SD for the next behavior
dual-functioning chained stimuli
a stimulus in a behavioral chain reinforces the behavior that came before it, and is an SD for the following behavior
total-task presentation
simultaneous training of all links in a behavioral chain- do the whole chain at once. ex: teaching how to brush teeth
backward chaining
establish the final link in a behavioral chain, then add each preceding link until you get to the beginning
differential reinforcement of low rate
reinforcement for each behavior that follows the behavior before it by at least some minimal delay
least restrictive alternative
use punishment as a last resort, be as kind as possible
right to effective treatment
the client has the right to be treated effectively, which is why we do sometimes use punishment procedures
rate-limiting step
introduce something to slow down the rate of the chain
symptom substitution
problem behaviors are symptoms of an underlying mental illness, so if you get rid of one another will replace it until you cure the illness