Difference between prokaryotes and eukaryotes cells (cell wall)
Prokaryotes- peptidoglycan
eukaryotes - made of cellulose
Difference between prokaryotes and eukaryotes ( RNA)
both present
Difference between prokaryotes and eukaryotes ( nucleus)
Prokaryotes- no membrane bound nucleus. presents as nucleoid
Eurkayotes- membrane bound nucleus
Difference between prokaryotes and eukaryotes ( ribosomes)
Prokaryotes - small ribosomes
eukaryotes- large ribosomes
Difference between prokaryotes and eukaryotes ( mode of reproduction)
prokaryotes- asexual (binary fission)
eukaryotes- sexual (mitosis and meiosis)
Difference between prokaryotes and eukaryotes ( organism type )
prokaryotes - usually unicellular
eukaryotes- usually multicellular
What are resident flora
Microbes that colonize the human body are called resident flora
Diseases causing microbes are called pathogens
Difference between resident flora and pathogens
Resident floras are microbes that colonize the human body while pathogens are disease causing microbes.
What are the three common shapes of bacteria
coccus (sphere -shaped) , bacillus (rod-shaped), spirillum (curved, sometimes spiral-shaped)
What is a gram staining
a technique used to differentiate bacteria based on their cell wall constituents
Gram positive (colour)
Gram negative (colour)
acid-fast stain
usually for Tb
Motile bacteria usually have long, very thin appendages called __________
move the bacterium
stiff fibers that adhere bacteria to surfaces such as host cells
Allows a bacterium to gain access to the body
elongated, hollow appendage used to transfer DNA from one cell to another
Genes that give bacteria resistance to _________ can be passed through a ________ by ___________
antibiotics, pilus. conjugation
Many bacteria have small, circular pieces of DNA called
Genes that give bacteria resistance to antibiotics are often located in the
What happens if we abuse the use of antibiotics
Abuse of antibiotics increases the number of restraint bacterial strains that are difficult to kill
Why are viruses considered non-living things
They are unable to reproduce outside of a host cell
No metabolic activity
structure of viruses
contain nucleic acid (DNA or RNA)
Nucleic acid is surrounded by a protein coat
function of arm and base
carry and support
function of ocular lens (eyepieces)
magnifies the image
function of nose piece
for switching objectives
function of stage
holds the slide in place for viewing
Function of condenser
focuses light from the illuminator into the specimen
function of diaphragm
control the amount of light that reaches the specimen
function of the coarse adjustment knob
moves the stage up and down to bring the specimen into focus
function of the fine adjustment knob
brings the specimen into sharp focus
power of objectives
4X, 10X , 40X, 100X
lower power dry
4X, 10X
hi power dry
oil immersion
overall magnification
ocular magnification x objective magnification