Tendon Laceration and Therapy of Joint Dz Flashcards
What 3 things can cause tendon disruption?
What 3 modalities can you use to diagnose a tendon laceration?
Physical exam (joint angle sometimes is just not normal)
What does the fetlock joint look like if just the SDF tendon is lacerated?
Dropped fetlock
What does the fetlock joint look like if the SDF and DDF tendons are lacerated?
Dropped fetlock and toe up
What does the fetlock joint look like if the SDF and DDF tendons and the suspensory ligament are lacerated?
Fetlock is on the ground
NOTE: Only real chance for this horse is a fetlock arthrodesis.
If you have a complete rupture of the common calcanean tendon and gastrocnemius muscle, what 2 things will you see clinically?
Non-weight bearing
Hock can be flexed without flexing the stifle
How can you rest for rupture of the common calcanean tendon?
Try flexing the hock without flexing the stifle
NOTE: This is often a cause of euthanasia
What is the treatment for common and long digital extensor tendon lacerations?
Cast for 3-6 weeks and stall rest for another 6 weeks
What are 3 differentials for excessive fluid in the tendon sheath (seen on ultrasound)?
Septic arthritis
Septic tenosynovitis
Describe a tendon sheath and its purpose.
Fibrous outside, synovial membrane inside.
Lubricates and protects.
What is the concern if a laceration goes into a tendon sheath?
Infection can spread more, need to be sure to use a sterile probe to investigate, and then flush wound VERY thoroughly.
What are the 5 steps of treating septic tenosynovitis?
Aspirate for bacterial culture Lavage Tourniquet (regionnal IV anesthesia) Systemic abx Pain meds
What are 5 steps of management of a tendon laceration?
Debridement Culture Lavage Reapposition Drainage
What 3 medical treatments would you provide for a tendon laceration?
Sodium hyaluronate
What type of suture material would you use for reapposition of a ruptured tendon?
Nylon or PDS