Large Animal Castration Flashcards
What indication is there in horses to perform a castration?
Behaviour change
Around what age should you castrate a horse?
1 - 1.5 years
What indication is there for castration in farm animals?
Increase growth rate
Farm animals are typically castrated at 10-14 days, why?
Less complications
Less pain
Better flavour (boar taint)
What are 2 methods of castration?
Blunt (pincer emasculatome)
What is a Burdizzo?
An emasculatome.
What is a Burdizzo used for (3 things)?
Teat amputations
Tail docking
Bloodless castration
What are 3 complications when using a Burdizzo for castration?
Scrotal sloughing
Clamping of penis
In what positions can you castrate a large animal?
Standing Recumbent (dorsal, lateral)
What is the difference between an open and closed castration?
Closed you don’t incise the vaginal tunic.
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When castrating, what should you always make sure is in place before you engage the emasculators?
A mosquito hemostat should be placed proximally to the emasculators so that we have a hold of the pedicle to check for bleeding.
How do you place the emasculators properly?
There is wingnut that should be distal to the body, pointing at the testicles.
When completing your castration, what do you do with the incision?
Leave it open and stretch the skin to allow proper drainage.
What must you ALWAYS do with Penicillin before you give it?
How long should you leave the emasculators on?
5 minutes (rule of thumb is 1 minute per year)