TD 12 Flashcards
For traffic pattern training, the recommended airspeed and rate of climb/descent on crosswind and base legs are BLANK KIAS and BLANK feet per minute (FPM). Maximum bank angle for turns is BLANK degrees
Vy, 500, 30
During an emergency the most important single consideration is BLANK. All prosecutes are subordinate to this requirement.
Maximum approved gross mass for flight
3585 kg
7903 lbs
110 kts
VNE for steady autorotation
90 kts
The circular BLANK MM gauge appears when BLANK
scale, NR >70%
(ENG 1 or ENG 2)
- OEI flight condition -
- Airspeed -
- FIRE sw (affected engine) -
Note: Affected engine will shut down automatically, ACTIVE indicator light, BOT 1 legend (both EMER OFF SW pnl), and F VAVLE CL caution indication (CAD) come on. FIRE legend remind on as long as overheat condition exists.
- BOT 1/BOT 2 pb -
NOTE: Extinguisher bottle will be dish charging when N1t 50%. After discharge of bottle contents, BOT 1 legend and EXT indicator go off; BOT 2 pb legend comes on.
5 Clock stop watch -
- Affected Engine -
- Single engine emergency shutdown -
- Passengers -
If fire warning still on after 1 minute:
10. BOT 1/ BOT 2 pb -
If fire warning remains on:
- OEI flight condition - Establish
- Airspeed - Reduce if IAS is exceeding 100 kts
- FIRE sw (affected engine) - Raise guard, press
Note: Affected engine will shut down automatically, ACTIVE indicator light, BOT 1 legend (both EMER OFF SW pnl), and F VAVLE CL caution indication (CAD) come on. FIRE legend remind on as long as overheat condition exists.
- BOT 1/BOT 2 pb - press; bottle 1 activated
- EXT indicator light comes on (EMER OFF SW panel)
NOTE: Extinguisher bottle will be dish charging when N1t 50%. After discharge of bottle contents, BOT 1 legend and EXT indicator go off; BOT 2 pb legend comes on.
5 Clock stop watch - Start (after BOT 1 legend and EXT indicator light go off (EMER SW pnl)
- Affected Engine - Identify
- Single engine emergency shutdown - perform
- Passengers - Alert
If fire warning still on after 1 minute:
- BOT 1/ BOT 2 - pb press; bottle 2 activated
- EXT indicator light comes on (EMER OFF sw pnl)
If fire warning remains on:
RD unfilled triangle
Max TOT starting
FLI: 8.5
TOT: 785 degrees C
RD filled triangle
TOT Starting Transient
FLI: 11
Time limited: 5 secs
TOT: 865 degrees C
Broadly defined, aircrew coordination is the BLANK between crewmembers necessary for the BLANK, BLANK, and BLANK performance of tasks.
Safe, efficient, and effective
The crewmember reading the checklist will read the BLANK checklist item. The crewmember performing the check will answer with the BLANK response. Responses that don’t BLANK communicate action or information should not be used. “All in the normal operating range” communicates information more BLANK.
Complete, appropriate, clearly, accurately
The standards for performing Visual Meteorological Conditions Flight are: 1. Turns: 2. Climbs/Descents 3. Traffic Pattern Flight: A B
- Rollout on desired heading +- 10 degrees
- Stop climb/descent at desired altitude +-100 feet
A enter, operate in, and depart a traffic pattern
B comply with all ATC directives
Maximum forward and rearward airspeed with hinged doors in open spoiler condition and sliding doors closed, open, removed
30 kts
Outer white circle on MM scale
Only displayed when the white circle reaches the red circle
Red circle XX% MM
Yellow Circle XX% MM
White line on MM circular scale
Only displayed when the MM is in the yellow range or above
What happens when the MM is above 77%?
The MM exceed caution comes on and will not disappear until power off
Engine starter energize time limits onboard battery power
30 sec on 60 sec off 30 sec on 60 sec off 30 sec on
30 min off
Engine starter energize time limits external power
20 sec on 60 sec off 20 sec on 60 sec off 20 sec on
30 mins off
Engine ventilation energize time limits onboard power
20 sec on
60 sec off
20 sec on
23 min off
Engine ventilation energize time limits external power
15 sec on
60 sec off
15 sec on
23 min off