Taylorella Flashcards
Which species of Taylorella is of veterinary importance?
T. equigenitalis
General characteristics of Taylorella equigenitalis
gram neg, non-motile short rods
oxidase pos
catalse pos
phosphatase pos
Does T. equigenitalis grow on MAC agar?
Does T. equigenitalis depend on X or V growth factors?
no but they do help :)
Which agar is best for growth and culture of Taylorella equigenitalis?
chocolate agar supplemented with amphotericin B, crystal violet and streptomycin
What is the habitat of T. equigenitalis?
genetial tracts of equidae
urethral fossa
clitoral fossa
How is Contagious Equine Metritis transmitted?
during coitus
contaminated instruments
in utero
during parturition
Virulence factors of T. equigenitialis
types II, III, IV, and VI secretion systems
iron acquisition systems
Does T. asinigenitalis cause disease?
not associated with clinical disease in donkeys and horses
Disease conditions/clinical signs associated with T. equigenitalis
mares: mucopurulent discharge
stallions: remain asymptomatic
Does infection with T. equigenitalis induce immunity?
no and reinfection may occur
Diagnosis of CEM
copious, mucopurulent, vulval discharge 2-7 days after service
specimens should be collected before and during breeding season
swabs from urogenital tracts placed in Amies transport media with charcoal
culture on supplemented chocolate agar at 5-10% CO2 for 4-7days
PCR, electrophoresis, sequencing
Appearance of T. equigenitalis on chocolate agar
small yellowish-grey colonies
What serological tests can be used to confirm active or recent infection with T. equigenitalis?
complement fixation
Treatment of CEM
treat asymoptomatic carriers
wash external genitalia with 2% chlorhex solution, local application of antimicrobial drugs for 5-7 days
mares: daily intrauterube irrigation with antibiotic solution for 5-7 days
Control of CEM
stop breeding services immediareky if diagnosed on a stud farm
no vaccine