Campylobacter and Helicobacter Flashcards
What is the habitat of campylobacter?
intestinal and genital tracts of domestic animals
General appearance of campylobacter
slender, curved, gram-neg rods in gull-wing shapes and spiral forms
Oxygen requirements of campylobacter
Culture requirements of campylobacter
MAC or enriched media - skirrow campylobacter agar, butxler agar, charcoal agar
note: motile, non-fermentative, oxidase-pos
What temperature does C. jejuni grow at?
thermophilic - 42C
What temperature does C. fetus grow at?
Diagnosis of disease causeed by campylobacter
culture and ID
staining with dilute carbol fuchsin
Virulence factors of campylobacter
microcapsule (S layer)
outer membrane proteins
adhesion proteins
type IV secretion system
Treatment and control of campylobacter
antibiotics - depends on strain and species effected
isolation of sick
What antibiotics are campylobacter spp resistant to?
Causative agent of Bovine Genital Campylobacteriosis
Campylobacter fetus subsp venerealis
Transmission of campylobacter fetus subsp venerealis
during coitus
bulls = indefinite carriers
1/3 cows = carriers
Diagnosis of Bovine Genital Campylobacteriosis
isolation and identificatio (does require special transport media)
vaginal mucus agglutination test
Treatment of Bovine Genital Campylobacteriosis
dihydrostreptomycin - systemic, topically, intrauterine
Is there a vaccination to prevent Bovine Genital Campylobacteriosis?
Causative agent of Ovine Genital Campylobacteriosis
campylobacter fetus subsp fetus
campylobacter jejuni
How is ovine genital campylobacteriosis trasnmitted?
fecal-oral route
Clinical signs of ovine genital campylobacteriosis
necrotic pplacentitis - late abortions
stillborn or weak lambs
in aborted lambs: round necrotic lesions with pale raised rims and dark depressed centers on liver surface
Is there any immunity associated with natural infection (and recovery) from ovine genital campylobacteriosis?
recovered ewes are immune for at least 3 years
Diagnosis of ovine genital campylobacteriosis
hepatic lesions in aborted lambs
culture and isolation
Treatment and control of ovine genital campylobacteriosis
isolate aborting ewes
remove aborted fetuses and placentae
Causative agent of avian vibronic hepatitis
campylobacter jejuni
Transmission of avian vibronic hepatitis
chicks aquire infection from feed, water and litter
Clinical signs of avian vibronic hepatitis
usually asymptomatic
drop in egg production
loss of condition
hemorrhage and multifocal liver necrosis
Is avian vibronic hepatitis zoonotic?
Diagnosis of avian vibronic hepatitis
demonstration of curved rods with darting motility in bile using ohase contrast microscopy
Treatment of avian vibronic hepatitis
dihydrostreptomycin in foos - early
Causative agent of intestinal campylobacteriosis in dogs
campylobacter spp
Which group of dogs are most at risk for intestinal campylobacteriosis?
immunosuppressed dogs - shed in feces of healthy dogs (usually self limiting)
Diagnosis of intestinal campylobacteriosis in dogs
large number of campylobacter-like organisms in DCF-stained fecal smear or rectal scrapings
Treatment of intestinal campylobacteriosis in dogs
but usually self-limiting
General characteristics of helicobacter spp
helical shaped
gram neg
oxidase +
catalase +
Habitat of helicobacter
GIT of healthy dogs and cats
Disease conditions associated with non-helicobacter pylori helicobacters
usually asymptomatic
weight loss
Disease conditions associated with H. pyloris
mostly associated with human GIT infestions
found in dogs, cats and rhesus macaques
Diagnosis of helicobacter
difficult to culture
gastric biopsy
urease test
Treatment of GI helicobacter infection in dog/cat
combination antibiotics + stomach acid inhibitor