T3 - Respiratory Disorders PPT (Josh) Flashcards
In pediatrics, the focus is on —
In adults, the focus is on —
In peds, the primary cause of cardiopulmonary arrest is — —
In adults, the primary cause of cardiopulmonary arrest is — —
respiratory failure
cardiac failure
The further down the substernal retraction pulls, —
the less distress they’re in
Which is more severe, substernal or suprasternal retractions?
- higher up, the more severe
Tachycardia may indicate —
- they’re breathing faster to get the O2 in
Cyanosis is a — sign of cardiac arrest.
LOC is a — sign of respiratory distress.
Why does dehydration happen during respiratory distress?
they’re breathing so fast and losing water via insensible loss
Vomiting w/ respiratory problems is likely due to —
swallowing so much plegm
The increased metabolic activity creates an increased need for –
What is the most common form of croup?
Laryngotracheobronchitis (LTB)
- age 1-3
- caused by viruses
– is moderate to severe airway obstruction caused by inflammation of larynx, trachea, and large bronchi.
Larygotracheabronchitis (LTB)
- most common form of croup
Croup is a general term applied to a complex of symptoms characterized by —
a barking cough
Croup is described according to —
anatomical area involved
— begins w/ a simple URI for 1-2 days
- ie: slow onset
— is a classic symptom of LTB
Inspiratory stridor
Other than Inspiratory Stridor, what are other manifestations of LTB?
- Hoarseness
- Mild Fever
- Restlessness
- Flaring
- Retractions
- Increased WOB
- Resp. Fatigue
- Hypoxia
In – –, there is no stridor
In – –, there is continuous stridor
mild croup
severe croup
LTB can be usually be managed at home if –
there is no stridor at rest
With LTB, oral fluids are encouraged if RR is __
60, don’t give oral fluids
Home treatments for LTB:
Oral fluids if RR
Why don’t we see Epiglottitis as much any more?
Hib vaccine treats it
– – is severe, sudden onset of inflammation of the epiglottis.
— is a hallmark sign of epiglottitis
An x-ray of the client with epiglottitis will reveal –
thumb’s sign (enlarged, rounded epiglottis)
With a foreign body obstruction, what age gets back blows?
Back blows and chest thrusts if under age 1
Abdominal thrusts if over 1 year old
Total obstruction can cause death if object is not removed within –
4 mins
– is a lower respiratory tract disorder.
RSV is the most common form of –
- lower RTI
Bronchiolitis is most common in –
winter and early spring
children less than 2 yrs
common (95% of kids have had it by age 3)
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