Peds ATI (Chapter 4) - Josh Flashcards
At 30 months of age, toddlers should weigh —– their birth weight.
4 x’s
Toddlers grow about —- per year.
7.5 cm
When are head and chest circumference equal?
by 1 to 2 years of age
Motor Skills at 15 months:
Gross: walks w/out help
Gross: creeps up stairs
Fine: uses cup well
Fine: builds tower of two blocks
Motor Skills at 18 months:
Gross: Assumes a standing position
Gross: throws ball overhand
Gross: jumps w/ both feet
Fine: manages a spoon w/out rotation
Fine: turns pages in a book, 2-3 at a time
Motor Skills at 24 months:
Gross: walks up and down stairs by placing both feet on each step
Fine: builds a tower of 6-7 blocks
Motor Skills at 2.5 years:
Gross: jumps across the floor using both feet and off a chair or step
Gross: stands on one foot momentarily
Fine: draws circles
Fine: has good finger coordination
According to Piaget, the —– stage transition to the —– stage around 19-24 mths.
By age 2, language has increased to about — words.
Which stage of Erikson are toddlers (1-3 years) in?
Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt
- independence is paramount
- use negativism as they begin to express independence
Toddlers develop gender identity by age —-
Toddler Immunization Schedule:
12-15 mths: IPV, Hib, PCV, MMR, Varicella
12-23 mths: Hep A (two doses 6 months apart)
15-18 mths: DTap
12-36 mths: TIV, LAIV (by nasal spray at age 2)
Toddlers should consume how much milk per day?
24-30 oz
Toddlers average how much sleep per day?
11-12 hr
Thermostats on hot water heaters should be at what temp?
49 C (120 F) or below
Infants and toddlers should remain in a rear-facing car seat until —
age 2
Toddlers prefer which type of play?
parallel play (observing other children and then may engage in nearby activities)
- team sports no really appropriate