Peds ATI (Chapter 3) - Josh Flashcards
Birth weight doubles by —– and triples by —-
6 months
12 months
Infants gain ——- per week the first 6 mths.
150-210 g
Infants grow —– per month the first 6 mths.
2.5 cm
By age one, birth length has increased by —-
The circumference of infant’s head increased —– per month for first 6 mths, then —- betwen 6 and 12 months.
- 5 cm
0. 5 cm
When do the first teeth typically erupt?
6-10 mths
- 6-8 teeth in first year
— should not be used longer than 3 days.
— should not be used at all.
What are the Motor Skills of a 1 month old?
Gross: Head Lag
Fine: Grasp Reflex
What are the Motor Skills of a 2 month old?
Gross: lifts head off mattress
Fine: hold hands in open position
What are the Motor Skills of a 3 month old?
Gross: raises head and shoulder off mattress
Gross: only slight head lag
Fine: no longer has grasp reflex
Fine: keeps hands loosely open
What are the Motor Skills of a 4 month old?
Gross: rolls from back to side
Fine: places objects in mouth
What are the Motor Skills of a 5 month old?
Gross: rolls from front to back
Fine: uses palmar grasp dominantly
What are the Motor Skills of a 6 month old?
Gross: rolls from back to frong
Fine: holds bottle
What are the Motor Skills of a 7 month old?
Gross: bears full weight on feet
Fine: moves objects from hand to hand
What are the Motor Skills of a 8 month old?
Gross: sits unsupported
Fine: begins using pincer grasp
What are the Motor Skills of a 9 month old?
Gross: pulls up
Gross: creeps on hands/knees instead of crawl
Fine: crude pincer grasp
What are the Motor Skills of a 10 month old?
Gross: changes from prone to sitting
Fine: grasp rattle by handle
What are the Motor Skills of a 11 month old?
Gross: walks while holding on
Fine: places objects into container
Fine: neat pincer grasp
What are the Motor Skills of a 12 month old?
Gross: sits down from standing w/out help
Fine: tries to build a two-block tower without success
Object permanence develops at what age?
9 mths
Separation anxiety begins ~ —- of age.
4-8 mths
When does stranger fear become evident?
6-8 mths
Immunization schedule b/t Birth and 12 months?
Birth: Heb B 2 mths: DTaP, RV, IPV, Hib, PCV, Hep B 4 mths: DTaP, RV, IPV, Hib, PCV 6 mths: DTaP, RV, IPV, Hib, PCV, Hep B 12mths: flu vaccine (TIV injection)
When should solid foods be introduced?
4-6 mths
How are new foods introduced to an infant?
one at a time, over a 4- to 7-day period to observe for signs of allergy or intolerance
When are veggies started?
6-8 mths
Crib slats should not be wider than —
6 cm
Crib mobiles should be removed by —-
4-5 mths