T1 L8 Orbit & nasal cavity Flashcards
What is the function of the nose?
To filter dust entering the respiratory system
What bones make up the nose?
Paired nasal bones
Frontal bone
What are the cartilages of the nose?
Major alar
What are the 3 projections on the internal surface of the lateral wall?
Superior conchae
Middle conchae
Inferior conchae
What do the supplied arteries to the nose branch from?
What is the nerve supply to the nose?
Olfactory nerve
Opthalmic & maxillary
What is the exit of cranial nerve I?
Cribriform plate
What is the type of cranial nerve I?
Special afferent - sensory
What aids olfaction?
Air flowing through the nasal cavity
Where are olfaction receptions?
In the epithelium lining the roof & walls
What do olfaction receptors do?
Epithelium secretes a mucus fluid
Odoriferous gases are dissolved into the fluid & detected by olfactory nerves
What can cause temporal anosmia?
Mucus buildup
What can cause permanent anosmia?
Parkinson’s disease
What are the paranasal sinuses?
Air filled extensions of the nasal cavity
What do the paranasal sinuses drain through?
Frontonasal duct
What are ethmoidal cells?
Invaginations in ethmoid bone
Drain into middle meatus if anterior or middle
Drain into superior meatus if posterior
Where do sphenoidal sinuses drain?
Into sphene-ethmoidal recess