Systems (osteomyelitis) Flashcards
Osteomyeltitis Risk factor
Assume if no other info is avaliable
What is the cause
S. auerus (MC overall)
Osteomyeltitis Risk factor
Sexually active
What is the cause?
Neisseria gonorrheae (rare),
septic arthritis more common
Osteomyeltitis Risk factor
Diabetics and IV drug users
What is the cause (2)
- Pseudomonas aeruginosa*
- Serratia*
Osteomyeltitis Risk factor
Sickle cell
What is the cause (1)
Osteomyeltitis Risk factor
Prosthetic joing replacement
What is the cause (2)
- S. epidermidis*
- S. auerus*
Osteomyeltitis Risk factor
Cat and dogs bites
What is the cause
Pasteurella multocida
Osteomyeltitis Risk factor
Vertebral involvment
What is the cause?
Mycobacterium tuberculosis (pott disease)
What age does osteomyelitis occur?
Labs observed?
Elevated EST and CRP
Can be subtle on radiographs same lesion can be more easily seen on MRI.