Systems (neonatal and childhood illness) Flashcards
neonatal manifestions:
Classic triad: chorioretinitis, hydrocephalus, and intracranial calcifications
Maternal manifestations:
usually asymptomaitc, lymphadenopathy (rarely)
what is teh agent and mode of transmission
- Toxoplasma gondii
- cat feces or ingestion of undercooked meat
neonatal manifestions:
Classic triad: PDA (or pulmonary artery hypoplasia) cataracts, adn deafness +/- blueberry muffin rash
Maternal manifestations: rash lymphadenopathy, arthritis
what is the agent and mode of transmission
- Rubella
- Resiratory droplets
neonatal manifestions: hearing loss, seizures, petechial rash, blueberry muffin rash
Maternal manifestations: Usually asymptomaticl mononucleosis-like illness
what is the agent and mode of transmission
- Sexual contact, organ transplants
neonatal manifestions: Recurrent infections, chronic diarrhea
Maternal manifestations: Variable presentation depending on CD4+ count
what is the agent and mode of transmission
- Sexual contact, needlestick
neonatal manifestions: Encephalitis herpetic (vesicular lesion)
Maternal manifestations: Usually asymptomatic herpetic (vesicular) lessions
what is the agent and mode of transmission
- HSV-2
- skin & mucous membrane contact
Neonatal manifestions: Often results in still birth, hydrops fetalis, if child survives, presents with facial abnormalitis (notched teeth, saddle nose, short maxilla) saber shins, CN VIII deafness
Maternal manifestations: Chancre (1o) and dissmeniated rash (2o) are the 2 stages likey to result in fetal infection
what is the agent and mode of transmission
- Syphillus
- Sexual contact
Clinical presentation
Vesicular rash on palms and soles; vesicles and ulcers in oral mucosa
What is the agent and associated syn/disease
- Coxsackievirus type A
- hand-foot-mouth disease
Clinical presentation
A macular rash over body appears after several days of high fever; can present with febrile seizures; usually affects infants
What is the agent and associated syn/disease
- HHV-6
- Roseola
Clinical presentation
A paramyxovirus; beginning at head and moving down, rash ins preceded by cough, coryza, conjuntivitis, and blue-white (koplik) spots on buccal mucosa
What is the agent and associated syn/disease
define morpholoy of virus (ss/ds, etc)
- Measles virus
- Measles (rubeola)
- paraymyxovirus: enveloped, SS - linear, nonsegmented, helical
Clinical presentation
Slapped cheek rash on face (can cause hydrops fetalis in pregnant women)
What is the agent and associated syn/disease
ID the morphology of the virus
- B19 virus
- Erythema infectiosum (5th disease)
- DNA, Non enveloped, ss linear -
Clinical presentation
Rash begins at head and moves down –> fine truncal rash, postauricular lymphadenopathy (dylan had this)
What is the agent and associated syn/disease
- Rubella virus
- Rubella
- Togavirus, Enveloped, ss + linear icosahedral
Clinical presentation
Eryhtematous, sandpaper-like rash with fever adn sore throat
What is the agent and associated syn/disease
- Streptococcus pyogenes
- Scarlet fever
Clinical presentation
Vesicular rash begins on trunk, speards to face and extremities with lesions of diff ages
What is the agent and associated syn/disease
- Chickenpox
- Herpesvirus, enveloped, DS linear