Suspect Apprehension Pursuit 15-10 Flashcards
What must a police officer determine before engaging in a pursuit
Whether the immediate need to apprehend or identify an individual in a fleeing motor vehicle or to identify the fleeing motor vehicle outweighs the risk to public safety that may result from the pursuit
Who must monitor a pursuit that has been initiated
Pursuit Supervisor
What is the paramount consideration factor in any decision to initiate, continue, or abandon a pursuit
Public Safety
What is the most common factor to change during a pursuit
Public safety
A police officer may pursue or continue a pursuit under what conditions
The police officer, prior to initiating a pursuit, has
reasonable grounds to believe that a criminal offence has been committed or is about to be committed
What section of the criminal code is the offence of flight
True or false-
The criminal offence of dangerous operation of a motor vehicle arising out of the pursuit itself is
sufficient grounds to continue the pursuit
The criminal offence of dangerous operation of a motor vehicle arising out of the pursuit itself is not sufficient grounds to continue the pursuit
Who does the responsibility of safe conduct rest with during a pursuit
The police officer
the communications operator
the pursuit supervisor
and any other authorized person monitoring the pursuit
What are the public safety factors to be considered during a pursuit
nature and seriousness of the offence involving a suspect in the motor vehicle
information on the occupants of the motor vehicle, if known, including whether they are armed, suspects in a violent crime, or there is reason to believe they are about to commit a violent crime
nature, condition and type of area (residential, industrial, playground, etc.)
presence of pedestrians or other traffic
time of day
apparent age of the driver
weather and road conditions
manner in which the pursued motor vehicle is being operated
presence in the pursued motor vehicle of individuals who are not suspects
length of time and distance involved
type of vehicles involved in the pursuit (motorcycle, car, truck)
presence in the police vehicle of non–police passengers
limits on the police officer’s ability to operate the police vehicle at the speeds reached during the pursuit
availability of other means of apprehension
What type of vehicle can be used in a pursuit
A marked motor vehicle may engage in and continue a pursuit, unless a marked motor vehicle is not readily available and the police officer believes that it is necessary to immediately apprehend an individual in the fleeing motor vehicle or to identify the fleeing motor vehicle or an individual in the fleeing motor vehicle.
What types of vehicles shall not engage in a pursuit
Motorcycles and ATV’s
How many vehicles can be engaged in a pursuit
No more than 2
Can a complete or partial roadblock be used to stop a pursuit
Complete or partial roadblocks may only be used in extreme circumstances and must be authorized by a road supervisory officer and/or the pursuit supervisor.
Are officers allowed to follow a pursuit on a parallel route
The following of a pursuit on a parallel route is prohibited unless directed by the pursuit supervisor
Can a member discharge a firearm at a vehicle to stop a pursuit
No, members shall not discharge a firearm at the operator or occupants of a motor vehicle unless there exists an immediate threat of death or grievous bodily harm to officers and or members of the public by a means other than the vehicle
What are alternatives to a pursuit
1) strategic following
2) follow up investigation
3) the Tandem stop
4) use of tire deflation devices
5) the use of a helicopter, when available
What are the methods of terminating a pursuit
1) strategic following
2) abandoning
3) use of a tire deflation device
4) rolling block
5) stationary road block
6) pinning
7) intentional contact
May police officers cause a vehicle to come into physical contact with a fleeing vehicle for the purposes of stopping it, why or why not
Police officers may only intentionally cause a marked or unmarked motor vehicle to come into physical contact with a fleeing motor vehicle for the purposes of stopping it, where the police officer believes on reasonable
grounds that to do so is necessary to immediately protect against the loss of life or serious bodily harm.
What is strategic following
Following a vehicle with all emergency equipment activated from a significant increased distance
What is the intent of strategic following
The intent of this is that by significantly increasing the distance between the marked or unmarked motor vehicle and the fleeing motor vehicle, the fleeing driver will seize the opportunity to stop and abandon the fleeing motor vehicle
What will be reduced for the officer by using strategic following
- target fixation
What is the primary driving mode during a pursuit
Strategic following is the primary driving mode
When are you not allowed to engage in strategic following
When a pursuit has been terminated
What methods may be used when pursuing a large truck, bus, motorcycle, or off-road vehicle
strategically follow the fleeing motor vehicle with emergency equipment activated until the fleeing
motor vehicle stops, or
abandon the pursuit.
If a pursuit has more than one police service involved in the pursuit who is the responsible supervisor
The supervisor in
the jurisdiction where the pursuit is initiated
When does the responsibility of the pursuit fall to a supervisor from another jurisdiction
When the pursuit is handed over to the other police service
Which police service is responsible for the joint fail to stop report when the pursuit has covered more than one jurisdiction
The police service in the jurisdiction where the
pursuit began shall ensure co–ordination of a joint Fail to Stop Report
If any criminal code violations or HTA violations occur during a pursuit, who may be held liable
A police officer may be held liable for any Criminal Code or Highway Traffic Act offence
committed in relation to the pursuit
Who assumes control of the pursuit once notified a pursuit is initiated
The pursuit supervisor
Who is the pursuit supervisor
A communications supervisor or, if unavailable, a road supervisory officer.
When must all reports related to a pursuit be completed
Before the completion of the tour of duty