Child Abuse 05–06 Flashcards
Is a supervisory officer required to attend the complaint of suspected child physical or sexual abuse
Who must be notified upon receiving a complaint of a suspected child physical or sexual abuse
Officer in charge OIC
Can a divisional sexual assault investigator be assigned as a lead investigator if the victim is under 16 years of age
No, where the victim is under 16 years of age, a child sex abuse investigator conducts the investigation
What does (CYAC) stand for?
CYAC stands for the Child and Youth Advocacy Center
What is the purpose of the C Y A C?
C Y A C promotes the protection of victims; provides advocacy, treatment and ongoing support
Is the Child and Youth Advocacy Center part of the homicide unit
No, it is part of sex crimes
Who staffs the C Y A C?
It is staffed by the services designated child-abuse investigators
Who does the Child and Youth Advocacy Center work in collaboration with?
Catholic children’s aid Society
- The children’s aid Society of Toronto
- The sick kids hospital’s suspected child abuse and -neglect program (SCAN)
- Safe-T program-Halton trauma center
- Boost child abuse prevention and intervention
If the victim is 17 years of age and the victim has been assaulted or suffers a emotional abuse or neglect and the suspect is a person in a position of trust or authority, will the CYAC investigate?
No, the victim must be under the age of 16
If the victim is 15, suffers physical assaults and the suspect is a known adult, will the CYAC investigate?
If the victim is 17 years of age, the suspect is known but the incident involves a sexual offense, will the CYAC investigate
Yes, the victim must be under the age of 18 and the offenses are not within the mandate of the sex crimes unit investigators office
What hours is the CYAC available from for the Central Field divisions / 32 and 33 divisions?
0730 until 2200 hrs.
If the CYAC is closed, how may officers contact an on-call child abuse investigator
Through the TPOC.
May officers contact the on-call child abuse investigator directly?
No, only the OIC or in their absence the divisional supervisor officer
What resource shall police officers consider accessing when investigating child sexual and physical abuse cases?
Using the CYAC