Persons in custody 01-03 Flashcards
Can a young person be lodged in the divisional cell
Yes, only to prevent injury or protect others from aggressive behavior and when there is no adult present in the cells or when there is an adult present there’s adequate space to isolate the young person from the adults
What age is a young person defined as?
Under 18 years of age
Where is the female lock up located
55 division
What is the Target time of cell checks
30 minutes between checks
How often must an intoxicated person be woken
Every four hours minimum but more frequently if circumstances require
What shall an officer ensure when allowing access to prescribed medication for a person in custody
Inspect the medication container and ensure
The patients name on the medication container label much is the person
There’s only one type of pill in the medication container
Container label and contents do not appear to have been tampered with
The medication container label is legible
The expiry date on the medication container label has not passed
When must the officer in charge be advised about medication for a person in custody
When in doubt regarding the contents of the medication or
If the prisoner exhibit signs of alcohol or drug consumption
If the prisoner requests medication in excess of the prescribed dosage
What does the acronym DAMS stand for
Detention area monitoring system
What does the acronym BHS stand for
Booking hall system
When must a property bag be sealed
Prior to transport
Can a property bag remained unsealed
Yes, providing it is in a secure location
How is a persons money and property inventoried
The persons money is counted and other property are inventoried out loud and on camera in the presence of the individual
How is a persons property returned to them upon their release
The property is inventoried on camera as it is return to the person upon their release from custody
Can a spouse or immediate relative interview a person in custody
No only at the conclusion of an investigation
Who can interview a person in custody
Police officer
Defense counsel
Members of law enforcement agencies at request of the investigating officer
Crown attorney or assistant
A parent, relative, spouse or adult friend [Young persons only]
The Consular official where the person in custody is a foreign national as defined
Where is the YCJA Parent served
At the station whenever possible
What color marker is used on the confidential Crown envelope about any known issues regarding the health and safety of a person
When prescribed medication has been given to a prisoner what must accompany the prisoner when they’re being transported
Medication report
Can a methadone patient obtain their dosage at a police station
Dosage can only be obtained after release or by request to correction staff after consultation with the prescribing doctor
A person in custody is transported to hospital, can they get their prescribed dosage there (methadone).
Who must be notified to retrieve and preserve the security recordings, if an incident occurs in the Area being monitored
Whose responsibility is it to ensure investigations commenced in relation to the last drink information received on the TPS 300 when required
Detective Sgt.
Can an officer give medication to a person in custody
If an OIC has determined a young person is not to be detained who must be notified
When the person in custody is a young person, ensure a parent, adult relative, adult friend or spouse is notified without delay and requested to attend the station
Who may be contacted for advice on symptoms a prisoner may have
- Telehealth
- Ontario Regional Poison Information Centre - Sick Kids Hospital
- If the concern to be addressed deals only with an interaction or potential overdose, call this service directly; otherwise contact Telehealth Ontario first.
Any person who has or is suspected of having taken a drug prior to being arrested, and is accepted at a police facility shall be monitored more closely, how many hours shall the person be monitored
For at least 3 hours
If a prisoners condition changes who shall be notified and who shall reassess their condition
the officer in charge shall be notified and the OIC shall re–evaluate their condition.
Where shall a prisoner be housed in a divisional cell or lock up in relation to other prisoners
Opposite each other, this can provide an opportunity for one prisoner to give early warning of illness, suicide, or self–injury involving another prisoner.
Can unconscious persons be lodged or accepted at police cell or lock up
How long does it take for Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms to appear
Within six (6) to twelve (12) hours after a person’s last consumption of alcohol.
What are the mild symptoms of AWS
anxiety nausea/vomiting over responsive reflexes sleep disturbance (insomnia) sweating (diaphoresis) tremors (trembling or quivering)
How long does it take for Mild symptoms of AWS to appear
Mild symptoms can occur within twenty four (24) hours after discontinuance and should subside within forty eight (48) hours.
What are the moderate symptoms of AWS
intensified Mild Symptoms
rapid breathing (tachypnea)
racing heart rate (tachycardia)
How long does it take for Moderate symptoms of AWS to appear
Moderate symptoms can occur within twenty four (24) to thirty six (36) hours after discontinuance and should subside within forty eight (48) hours.
What are the severe symptoms of AWS
hallucinations abnormally high fever (hyperthermia disorientation seizures severely intensified Mild and/or Moderate Symptoms
How long does it take for Severe symptoms of AWS to appear
Severe symptoms can occur within forty eight (48) hours after discontinuance and/or after a decrease in consumption of alcohol and can cause a person’s condition to deteriorate to a very serious condition known as delirium tremens (DTs)
How long does it take for DT’s to occur
Symptoms of DTs usually occur forty eight (48) to seventy two (72) hours after discontinuance
What are the symptoms of DT’s
profoundly intensified Mild, Moderate, and/or Severe Symptoms
If left untreated, DTs can result in death.
Are the time frames for the onset of AWS consistent
The time frames for the onset of AWS symptoms have been generalized. Symptoms occurring outside of the time frames (before and after) must still be considered (e.g. Seizures may present between twelve (12) to sixty (60) hours after a person’s last consumption of alcohol).
Who determines if a prisoner is to be transported to hospital
OIC’s assessment of the circumstances and observations made
What position shall Intoxicated individuals who lapse into sleep be placed in
Intoxicated individuals who lapse into sleep should be placed lying on their side with the head angled forward (recovery position) whenever possible.
If a diabetic suffers a reaction from low blood sugar, what shall be done?
A diabetic shall be given a soft drink containing sugar, sweetened orange juice, chocolate bar or candy containing sugar. After consuming the item, the diabetic must be immediately transported to the nearest hospital.
How must individuals be treated if they are suffering from excited delirium
Individuals exhibiting the symptoms of excited delirium must always be treated as suffering from a medical emergency and once secured, be transported to hospital for examination
Can a member inject insulin or other medications into prisoners?
No, however this prohibition does not apply to epinephrine auto-injectors (e.g. EpiPen and Twinject).
Who may inject epinephrine auto-injectors (e.g. EpiPen and Twinject) into a person in custody
Where a person is unable to self-administer the auto-injector, a member shall administer it to them in accordance with the instructions on the device and/or approved First Aid training.
What is short term abstinence in relation to methadone
The short–term (twenty four (24) to thirty six (36) hours) effects of abstinence from methadone by a patient are not life–threatening, although the patient may show signs of anxiety.
What divisions does the 11 div lock up serve
11, 12 and 13
All Divisions [2nd Backup facility only when both 33 and 13 Divisions are full and Duty Senior Officer – Toronto Police Operations Centre (Duty Senior Officer) authorizes it’s use]
What divisions does 13 div lock up serve
All Divisions for young persons - (1st Backup facility only when 33 Division is full and Duty Senior Officer authorizes)
What divisions does 14 div lock up serve
14 and Traffic Services
What divisions does 23 div lock up serve
22 and 23
What divisions does 32 div lock up serve
31, 32 and 33
What divisions does 33 div lock up serve
All Divisions (primary lock–up for male young persons )
What divisions does 41 div lock up serve
41, 42 and 43
What divisions does 51 div lock up serve
51, 53, 54, and 55
What divisions does 52 div lock up serve
What divisions does 55 div lock up serve
55 Division will continue to act as the only lock–up for females
What divisions house young persons
33 division (primary) 13 division (1st back up) 11 division (2nd back up)
Who authorizes the use of the back up facilities (lock ups)
Duty Senior Officer – Toronto Police Operations Centre (Duty Senior Officer)
When retrieving a DAMS recording for the SIU under who’s direction will VSU release a copy of a video
Under the consent and permission the officer in charge of the unit
Lodging of Transgender/Transsexual Persons - Who determines the most appropriate placement of an individual
The Officer in Charge