Domestic Violence 05–04 Flashcards
Who shall take the lead role in a domestic violence investigation if the incident involves an allegation of sexual assault
• the incident involves an allegation of sexual assault, a DVI shall be designated as the lead investigator, but shall work in consultation with an accredited sexual assault investigator
Who shall take the lead role in a domestic violence if the incident involves death
• the incident involves death, the investigation shall be assigned to the Homicide Squad
Who shall take the lead role in a domestic violence investigation if the incident involves threshold offences
• cases involving threshold offences as defined in the Ontario Major Case Management Manual, the investigation shall be assigned to an accredited Major Case Manager
Who shall take the lead role in a domestic violence investigation if the incident involves a young person
• if the incident involves a young person; a DVI shall be designated as the lead investigator, but shall work in consultation with Youth Services.
All allegations arising from a domestic situation in which the suspect/accused is a member of another police service shall be reported in a timely manner. Who reports it and to whom is it reported
All allegations arising from a domestic situation in which the suspect/accused is a member of another police service shall be reported in a timely manner to the Duty Officer of that police service by the unit commander of the Service division handling the investigation, or by the Duty Senior Officer – Toronto Police Operations Centre (Duty Senior Officer).
Can a Duty Inspector notify another police service of a domestic violence investigation involving one of the other services members
No, the Duty Senior Officer – Toronto Police Operations Centre (Duty Senior Officer), may make the notification. The U/C of the involved service division may also notify the involved service
Who shall be notified in the Toronto Police Service of a Domestic occurrence that occurs within the city of Toronto where the suspect/accused is a member of the service
The unit commander / Duty Senior Officer shall notify Professional Standards (PRS) who will assume the role of case manager. Divisional personnel shall assist the PRS, as required.
Must a supervisory officer attend a domestic violence call
the supervisor attends whenever possible, but must attend when the incident involves a member of a police service (TPS or not)
Who must be notified about a domestic violence incident
- Domestic Violence Investigator (DVI) or Officer in Charge − when attending or upon discovering a domestic situation and a supervisor is unable to attend
- Divisional Investigative Office − where reasonable grounds exist and the suspect has left the scene
How long will interpreters be available to victims/suspects.
MCIS interpreters will provide their services to all involved parties, including the accused up until the time that a formal charge has been laid (an Information has been sworn to before a Justice).
Is there a translation service available to victim or the accused.
MCIS will provide free interpretation services to the Service during the investigation of all sexual and domestic assault occurrences, irrespective of the age of the victim or the suspect/accused.
How long does an DVI have to have injuries photographed
Immediately after the incident and where possible, ensure that injuries sustained by the victim are photographed a second time 48 to 72 hours after the initial incident
If a victim requests a charge to be withdrawn what must be done
The DVI must direct a victim requesting that charges be withdrawn to the Crown Attorney’s Office
What are Detective Sergeants responsible for in relation to Domestic Violence investigations
Detective sergeants are responsible for ensuring an appropriate investigative response, and that domestic violence investigations are conducted by accredited domestic violence investigators and that a thorough and comprehensive investigation is conducted.
Who does the OIC notify if a member of the Toronto Police Service is a suspect/accused of a Domestic Violence incident or occurrence
The OIC shall notify the appropriate unit commander, or if absent, the Duty Senior Officer of the circumstances surrounding the incident
How many officers shall be assigned to oversee all Domestic Violence Investigations
a minimum of one detective is assigned to oversee all domestic violence investigations in the division
Who’s responsible for assigning officers to domestic violence investigations
Detective Sergeants when in charge of a divisional detective office shall ensure it
Who are domestic violence investigations assigned to
Domestic violence investigations are assigned to a qualified DVI who will be able to initiate the investigation expeditiously
What are Detective Sergeants responsible for when in charge of a divisional detective office in relation to a domestic violence investigation
Detective sergeants are responsible for ensuring an appropriate investigative response, that domestic violence investigations are conducted by accredited domestic violence investigators and that a thorough and comprehensive investigation is conducted.
What is an OIC of a division responsible for in relation to investigations.
The officer in charge is responsible for ensuring an appropriate uniform response and, in the absence of the detective sergeant, an appropriate investigative response.
What is a WRC and where is it used?
Written Revocable Consent (WRC) program pertains to domestic assault cases only and addresses the issue of WRC attached to a Recognizance of Bail or a Bail Variation.
What are the conditions which an accused can access a WRC
To qualify, the accused must be eligible for entry into Early Intervention (EI) Court and the Partner Assault Response (PAR) program.
What must a supervisory officer do if a WRC revocation has occurred (who is notified)
− Records Management Services
− Bail and Parole
− Divisional Policing Support Unit
− D/S of the Division assigned the original eReport (e.g. 23D/S)
Who must the D/S of the Division originally assigned notify after a revocation of WRC request
The case manager through the Direct Report Entry (DRE)
Who does the Revocation of Consent to Communicate text template get sent to
Crown Attorneys Office of the original Assault (Domestic) charge
Does the offender need to be notified regarding the revocation of the WRC
Can officers ask victims and witnesses of crime about their immigration status
No, only if bona fide reasons to do so
If the victim is unwilling to attend court can charges be laid against the suspect
- marital status disposition of previous calls
- victim unwillingness to attend court
- likelihood of obtaining a conviction
- denials of violence despite contrary evidence
- fears of reprisal by the accused
- occupation of the victim/ accused
- immigration status of the parties
shall not influence the decision to lay a charge
What unit is designated as a service liaison with other police services regarding service-member involved domestic occurrences outside the city of Toronto
If reasonable grounds exist in relation to a domestic violence call can a victim be advised to lay a private information
The victim shall not be advised to lay a private information where reasonable grounds exist
Where domestic incident has taken place and/or there is some evidence of domestic violence but reasonable grounds do not exist relative to charge can the involved person’s be advised to lay a private information
Officers can advise the involved persons that a private information maybe sworn by attending before a justice, if applicable
Whose responsibility is it to ensure all domestic violence investigations are undertaken expeditiously
Supervisory officer and the officer in charge
When a detective sergeant is in charge of the divisional detective office how many detectives are assigned to oversee all domestic violence investigations in the division
A minimum of one detective must be assigned to oversee all domestic violence investigations
Who must ensure the suspect/accused is informed of the assistance available from the EFAP if the domestic incident involved a service member.
The officer in charge