surgical gowns Flashcards
Surgical site infections
are serious postoperative
complications associated with increased length of hospital stays
and increased costs for the healthcare facility
Gowns are folded inside out. To put on your gown, hold it at the neckline’s seam with your thumbs and forefingers, and with
your remaining fingers grasp the bulk of the gown and step back from the trolley or table
Closed gloving method
Open the sterile wrapper containing the gloves
Position a glove on your non-dominant hand
Pull on the first sterile glove
To position the glove on your dominant hand
Pull on your second sterile glove
Open gloving method
For open gloving method, touch only the cuff of your glove with ungloved hand, and then only glove to glove for other hand
Open gloving method steps
- Open the inner wrapper
- Using your non-dominant hand, pick the glove for your dominant hand out of the wrapper
- Slip the fingers of your gloved dominant hand under the cuff of the remaining glove
- Adjust both gloves
Tie the sterile gown’s waist tie
Ask for assistance from your co-worker, who is ‘scrubbed’ and wearing sterile gloves to help with your waist ties. Carefully
untie the waist ties in the front of the sterile gown, ensuring that the tie’s entire length remains in your control. To do this,
gather the ties into the palms of your hands before you untie the knot. Keep the front tie held in your left hand. Hand the
furthest tip of the tie attached to the back of the gown to your co-worker. Take care not to contaminate your glove
Define surgically aseptic areas
Once you have been gowned and gloved, the front of the gown is considered sterile from your nipple line to the level of the
sterile field and from your fingertips to your elbows
Remove gown and gloves
When the procedure is finished, your gown is removed by pulling it over your gloved hands and discarding it in the
appropriate waste container. Gloves should be removed without contamination to your hands, and discarded appropriately