Support tissue Flashcards
What are the types of connective tissue?
- Ordinary
- Supporting
- Vascular
How is ordinary tissue classified
- Loose CT - fibres create a loose open framework (adipose, areolar, reticular)
- Dense CT - Fibres densely packed (Elastic, dense regular, dense irregular)
How is supporting CT classified
- Cartilage - Forms solid rubbery matrix (hyaline, elastic, fibrocartilage)
- Bone - forms solid crystalline matrix (compact, spongy)
How is vascular CT classified?
- Blood - Contained in cardiovascular system
2. Lymph - Contained in lymphatic system
What are the 3 germinal layers in the embryo
- Endoderm (inner)
- Mesoderm - where connective tissue is derived from, from mesenchyme tissue
- Ectoderm (outer)
What is the major type of cell population in connective tissue?
FIBROBLAST and FIBROCYTES = most important cell
How do you identify fibroblasts, where locates and what responsible?
- well distributed in CT
- responsible for active production of extracellular matrix, fibres adn ground substance:
- Large centrally located nucelus
- granular appearance
- pointing cytoplasm
When the fobroblast has done it job how do you identify
Now called fibrocyte
1. Looks like: nucleus condensed, small darkly staining, no granular structure
How do you identify a mature fibroblast from a fibrocyte
- Fibroblast = actively produce extracellular matrix = ground substance and fibres. Prominent nucleoli which is elongated, basophilic cytoplasm, lighter stain
- Fibrocyte: resting phase = condensed, elongated in direction of collagen fibres, fine processes, difficult to see with LM, involved in the maintenance of the ECM, can differentiate into other types of CT cell, darkly staining
Ordinary connective tissue: Loose areolar
- Fibroblasts everywhere
- Plasma cells, mast cells, macrophages
- Collagen, elastic, reticular fibres
- Blood vessels
- e.g. under skin: epidermal layer = dermis connective tissue layer, lining of GI, resp and urinary tract
Histologically what does collagen tissue look like
lightly stained, surrounds fibroblasts and cytes, swooshy appearance
Ordinary connective tissue: loose adipose
- Function: reserve for food, act as fuel, insulate against heat loss, supports and protects organs
- cell type = adipocyte
- fat stores in large vacuole so nucleus is pushed to boundary
- appear clear empty cells as fat dissolved when processing = nothing to stain.
- Chicken wire
- each adipocyte is supported by a delicate network of collagen and reticular fibres
- few fibrocytes, mast cells, sparse amorphous ground substance
How to differentiate between brown and white fat
- white = one big vacuole
- Brown = many “droplets” within a circle
- Brown = nucleus can sometimes be inc centre, white nucleus os always pushed to periphery
Ordinary connective tissue: loose reticular
- Around BV
- hard to discriminate as finer fibres
- function = filter fluid, cells can’t pass through
- stained by silver impregnation
Ordinary connective tissue, dense irregular
- lots and lots of collagen fibres = dense
- Collagen fibre no clear arrangement = hip hazard! swirly
- reticulum layer in dermis of skin
- fibroblasts, BV, immune cells, collagen fibres
Ordinary connective tissue: dense regular
- fibres regularly arranged in longitudinal bundles (collagen or elastic) in parallel
- Specific sites e.g. tendons, ligaments
- in between muscle fibres = CT component endomesium
- bundles = thick
- fibrocytes sit in direction of muscle fibres
Ordinary connective tissue: Dense Elastic
Elastic connective tissue
- squiggly lines
- bladder, lungs, aorta: expand and recoil
- Protein in elastic fibre = elastin
What is liquid/ fluid connective tissue
- blood: plasma and lymph
2. Cells circulate in a liquid extracellular matric
Explain the role of connective tissue in the basement membrane
- allows cell adhesion - anchoring junction: hemidesmosomes
- diffusion barrier: epi lining is deprived of blood circulation so O2 and nutrients diffuse from underlying CT to absement membrane to underlying cells
- Regulation of cell growth: interface between epi lining adn CT = limits epi growth
Supporting tissue: Hyaline Cartilage
- chondrocyte = contained in a lacuna = dormant and responsible for maintenance
- chondroblast = produces ECM = large nuclei = darker well rounded cell
Supporting tissue: Fibro Cartilage
- fibrous and cartilagenous connective tissue
2. Function = flexibility and hardness e.g. annulus fibrosus of intervertebral disk of back bone : inner bit
Supporting tissue: Elastic cartialge
- recoil
- elastic fibres along with chondrocyte and blasts
- e.g. ears hard but can move