Animal Feeds Flashcards
What diets do we have to formulate?
- Economical- as cheap as poss but obvs not so that it compromises
- palatable-
- nutritionally balanced
- Efficiently converted
- non toxic
- no taint: palatable to human too
How is feedstuff classified?
- roughages/ forages (grass dry and wet and alfalfa) grass, hay, haylage, silage, wholecrop silage
- Straights: single items: wheat, soya, legumes
a) energy concentrated
Protein concentrates - Nutrient additives (smaller)
- Non nutrient additives: medication
What are examples of energy concentrates?
- Cereals:
a) grains: wheat, barley, oats
b) by products: wheat chaff
c) brewery by products, left curnel - Sugar industry by products
a) molasses: sugar beet pulp
b) Beet pulps - Roots and tubers: carrots, tates = grow well in UK soil = cheap
- maize silage: rich in starch
- Animal and vegetable fats
- Whey
- Miscellaneous ( close to facotry e.g. bakery waste)
What are cereals and why are cereals important in the diet pos and neg
- They are edible cereals of cultivated grasses
IMPORTANT: - Excellent carbohydrate source and readily available: multi stomach it can drop pH fairly rapidly
- poor protein source
- 85% dry matter
- 12-14 MJ ME (mega joules per kilo metabolisable energy)
- Low in Ca2+, vitA and D, riboflavin
- High in P, Vit E, Thiamin
Give examples of different cereals
Barley (popular), oats (highest fibre), wheat (protein levels can vary HUGELY each ahrvest = analyse, also less palatable. grows well in UK), maize (high in starch, slower release = goof for ruminants but low fibre), rye (not used much)
Why are oats the most popular cereal to for horses
OATS = slower release of sugar = reduce risk of laminitis
What are the different types of cereal processing
- Cold treatment:
- rolling (cow)
- crushing (cow, pig)
- grinding - (pig, poultry) - Hot treatment
- Steam flaking
- micronisation
- roasting
- hot pelleting (poultry)
Why do cereals need to be processed?
kurnel is tough structure = not all animals can break down. essential in pig and poultry
What is a way to check how good the digestion is
sieve faeces
How do we process oats, wheat and barley for horses and what do we need to ensure no indegestion
oats = whole
W/B = rolled
need to ensure bulk of carb is digested before reaches hindgut. if not = disturbs microflora
What chemical treatments?
Mainly cattle farms
- NaOH (caustic soda) = softens hull to expose endoderm
- NH3 = adds N to product = microfluroa convert to AA
- mineralisation
When use whoel crop (maize, barley, pea etc)
when making silage
Straw pos and neg
- barley straw> wheat straw> oat straw
- High in fibre, mostly lignin
- low cost roughage
- limited nutrients
What are the pos and neg for sugar beet pulp
- Suagr by product
- excellent energy fibres
- horse = must soak as will lead to choke (oesophageal obstruction)
- cattle and sheep as it is
- not poultry (stuck in crop)
what is the pos adn neg of molasses
- sugar by product
- highly palatable, hihh energy
- binding agent (good for when adding minerals as minerals are bitter and don’t stick to food = animal avoid)
Pos and neg of roots and tubers
- CHEAP as grow v well in UK
- 10-12% protein
- good energy
What is the issue with animal and vegetable fats for ruminants?
what is the conclusion.
Why ok for unweaned ruminants
- coat everything else in the mix, especially fibrous feedstuff
- microbes then can’t attack fibre = indigestion
- so have to either add in small quantities 5% or wrap old/ fat in something that goes straight through rumen and into GI tract and absorbed there.
- monogastric = no issue
- essential in milk replacer unweaned ruminant functions as monogastric
- becomes rancid v quick when exposed to oxygen
How are feeds presented?
- Pellets (cake)
- blend
- coarse mix
pos and neg to pellets
Every pellet looks identical = contains same amount ingredients = ideal as animal can’t select but most involved = most expensive
pos and neg to blend
each pellet = diff colour: dark = sugar beet light = wheat v light = soya bean pellet. \+ feeding mill mix and match to meet demands of producer = easy to change mix - animal can select \+ cheaper to produce
pos and neg to coarse mix
pellets diff colours = diff things.
maize flakes, oat flakes
darker stipples = molasses
+ Easy to adapt to what proportion of each feed
+ animals like
- can easily pick and choose = unbalanced diet?
NAme protein concentrates
- oilseeds (lyne seed)
- leguminous seeds
- animal protein concentrates
- milk products (especially young unweaned)
- single cell proteins
- Non protein nitrogenous (NPN) (urea, ammonia
Pos and neg to oilseeds
- protein rich
- fibre variable
- low in vit K, B (rum produce own B)
- care in monogastrics through digestive tract
- present as cake adn meals
what can too much legumes platn cause ruminants
BLOAT = introduce carefully over several days
What about animal proteins
- strictly regulated = BSE
were pop as such huge protein content
what is whey
a by product of cheese and butter production - really palatable, good enrgy, just careful in monogastrics with bloat
pos and neg and examples of single celled protein
- yeast and algae
- expensive
- GM to improve food valve