Subcultural Theory Flashcards
What does Merton suggest?
Deviance is a collective, not individual response - it is reactive due to strain
What does Cohen say?
Develops Merton’s theory of reactive subculture - deviancy is collective. The strain of the lower class creates status frustration (due to low educational achievement), subculture is formed allowing an alternative opportunity structure for status
Which theorist talks about status frustration and the need for an alternative opportunity structure creating crime?
What do Cloward and Ohlin suggest?
There are illegitimate opportunity structures, strain creates pressure to deviate. 3 subculture types - criminal, conflict, retreatist
FEASTT creates crime for w/c boys
Disputes subculture - delinquency is created by drift, there is no commitment to crime and we ALL share subterranean values, use of techniques of neutralisation shows how people who commit crime are the same as everone else
Identifies 3 types of deviant subculture - peers, gangs, organised criminal groups