Ethnicity and Crime: Explaining C/D Flashcards
What does the OCS show about prison population?
Black males are 4% of the general population but 19% prison population
What are the stop and search figures?
Black males are 8 times more likely to be stopped and searched than White males
What did Graham and Bowling find?
Similar offending rates for Black and Whites, lower offending rates for Asians (self report study)
What did the OCJS (2003) find?
Whites have a higher offending rate than Blacks (self report study)
What did Lea and Young suggest? (Left Realism)
Although the police are sometimes racist OCS are usually correct. Black males are marginalised and deprived leading to criminal subcultures
(however focuses on victim’s experiences)
4 aspects : relative deprivation, individualism, marginalization, subculture
What did Murray suggest? (R Realism
High levels of SPF and an ‘underclass culture’ for Blacks leads to more crime amongst Blacks
What did Bourgois suggest?
Social exclusion and discrimination for EMs = formed alternative economy, this ‘subculture of resistance’ involves drugs and crime
What did Merton (Funct) theorise?
Strain theory and a lack of means to reach goals = innovation/rebellion = crime, applies to EMs with less opportunities
What was Sewell’s explanation of higher EM crime?
‘Triple quandrary’ for African-Carribean males led to subcultures and a ‘hypermasculine’ identity:
cannot relate to mainstream culture due to racism; influenced by conspicuous consumption; brought up in SPFs so lack positive male role models
Wha did Hall say?
Media moral panic was used to justify higher policing of EM areas - blacks were scapegoats, not actually more criminal
What was Phillips and Bowling’s explanation?
Oppressive policing = self fulfilling prophecies = more crime
EMs were not more criminal
What did Cicourel find?
CJS holds stereotypical assumptions of the ‘typical delinquent’ including EMs: they are not more criminal but more liekly to be caught due to the racist stereotypes
What did Gilroy (Neo-Marxist) find?
EM groups are not more criminal, CJS acts on racist stereotypes. EM crime is a form of political resistance
(EV - ignores intra-ethnic crime)
What did Holdaway find?
A police canteen culture which holds racist stereotypes
What did the Macpherson Enquiry find?
Institutional racism in the police