Neo-Marxism (explaining C and D) Flashcards
What did Taylor, Walton and Young suggest?
Crime is an active struggle against an unjust system
What were T, W and Y’s 7 Points of the New Criminology?
1 - wider origins of the act (societal inequalities)
2 - immediate causes of the act
3 - the act itself (its meaning to the person)
4 - reaction to deviance (police, public, family)
5 - reaction by social structures (media reaction, public response)
6 - effects of labelling (self fulfilling prophecy?_
7 - all aspects together
What did Stuart Hall add to this theory?
Media moral panics about ‘black muggers’ were created as the bourgeoise needed a scapegoat, created a moral panic which justified intensive policing.
By defining black men as criminal, they increased crime and marginalisation
Ideological state apparatuses distract and divide the w/c, while justifying use of repressive state apparatuses to protect against unrest and a revolution