Stress Flashcards
What is stress?
A person’s perception of their inability to cope with a certain event or situation
What is a stressor?
A stress-producing event or situation
What are the two types of stress Hans Selye termed?
Eustress and distress
What is eustress?
Positive stress from challenges or strivings
What is distress?
Negative stress from pressure;
Can cause harm
What are the four sources of stress?
Conflict situations (tough decisions)
Life changes (college, moving)
Everyday sources (Longlines, traffic)
What is an approach-approach conflict?
Choosing between two attractive alternatives;
Ex: choice between two colleges
What is an avoidance-avoidance conflict?
Confronting two unattractive alternatives;
Ex: choosing to either take out the trash or clean up the kitchen
What is an approach-avoidance conflict?
Wanting to do something but fearing or doubting about it at the same time;
Ex: Staying at home and studying for exams, or going out to a movie with a close friend
What is a double approach-avoidance conflict?
Choosing between two or more alternatives, each having attractive and unattractive aspects;
Ex: Vacation snowboarding or staying at home for a concert