Motivation and Emotion Flashcards
What is motivation?
Factors that direct and energize people’s behavior toward a goal;
The why’s of behavior
What is instict theory?
Inborn behaviors that are biologicall determined rather than learned;
Largely abandoned theory for humans
Ex: Birds raised in isolation will build nests despite never been taught
What is the optimum arousal theory?
We try to maintain optimum levels of stimulation and activity, increasing or reducing them as necessary
Ex: When we feel bored, we look for stimulation
What can overexposure to stimulation lead to?
What is the drive-reduction theory?
Basic biological need produced tension (drive) that motivated an organism to satisfy that need
What is a drive?
A force that motivates an organism to take action
What is homeostasis?
The body’s tendency to maintain a steady internal state
Ex: The body temperature regulation system works like a thermostat
What does Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs state?
We are motivated by the conscious desire for personal growth and artistic fulfillment
Who introduced the humanist theory?
Abraham Maslow
What are humanity’s physiological needs?
Satisfy hunger, thirst, sex drives
What are humanity’s safety needs?
Feel secure, safe, out of danger
What are humanity’s love/belonging needs?
Being accepted, family, friend, intimacy
What are humanity’s esteem needs?
To achieve gain approval and respect
What is at the top of the Hierarchy of Needs?
What is intrinsic motivation?
Motivated by our own enjoyment rather than for any concrete, tangible reward that it will bring us
What is extrinsic motivation?
We do something for money, a grade, or some other concrete, tangible reward
What are emotions?
Feelings that generally have both physiological and cognitive elements and that influence behavior
How do emotions work?
The brain is wired to look for threats and awards;
Emotions are the effect of these messages;
The feeling region of the brain kicks in before the thinking part;
Sometimes, it’s stronger than the thinking part of our brain
What chemicals prompt happiness?
Dopamin, oxytocin, and serotonin
What chemicals trigger our flight and fight response?
Adrenaline and other hormones
How can one de-escalate one’s emotions?
Belly breathing