Chapter 1: History and Approaches Flashcards
What was the first wave of psychology?
Why is Wilhelm Wundt proclaimed as the founder of scientific psychology?
He was the first to study the subject scientifically, as opposed to just thinking about it
According to modern-day pscyhologists, when did psychology as a study begin?
In 1879, when Wundt set up the first psychological laboratory in an apartment near the university at Leipzig, Germany
What is introspection?
Subjects were asked to record accurately their cognitice reactions to simple stimuli
What was Wundt’s theory?
What is structuralism?
The idea that the mind operates by combining subjective emotions and objective sensations
Who published psychology’s first textbook?
William James
What was psychology’s first textbook, and when was it published?
The Principles of Psychology;
in 1890
What was James’s theory?
What is functionalism?
How the structures Wundy identified function in our lives
Who was the first woman to serve as the president of the American Psychological Association?
Mary Whiton Calkins
Under who did Calkins study?
William James
Who was the first woman to earn a PhD in psychology?
Margaret Floy Washburn
What did G. Stanley Hall?
He pioneered the study of child development and was the first president of the American Psychological Association;
A student under William James
What did Gestalt psychologists argue against?
Dividing human thought and behavior into discrete structures