Freud's Psychosexual Stages Theory Flashcards
What ages does the oral stage last?
0-1 years
What is an erogenous zone?
A part of the body that excites sexual feelings when touched or stimulated
What is the erogenous zone during the oral stage?
What activities are performed during the oral stage?
Tasting and sucking;
Putting everything into their mouths
What issues can be caused during the oral stage?
Smoking, gum chewing, and nail biting
What ages does the anal stage last?
2-3 years
What is the erogenous zone of the anal stage?
Bowel and bladder
What issues can be caused by the anal stage?
Rigidity, orderliness, and obsessiveness
What activities are performed during the anal stage?
Peeing and pooping;
Potty training begins
What ages does the phallic stage last?
3-6 years
What is the erogenous zone of the phallic stage?
What issues can be caused by the phallic stage?
Pride, vanity, and exhibitionism
What complexes develop during the phallic stage?
Oedipus complex and Elextra complex
What is the Oedipus complex?
A male child’s desire for their opposite-sex parent and feelings of envy, jealousy, resentment, and competition with the same-sex parent
What is the Electra complex?
Female version of the Oedipus complex
What ages does the latency last?
6 years onward, up until puberty
What is the erogenous zone of the latency zone?
Sexual feelings are inactive
What are the complexes of the latency stage?
Penis envy
What activities are performed during the phallic stage?
Excessive attachment to the parent of the opposite sex
What is penis envy?
In which young girls feel deprived and envious that they do not have a penis
What activities are performed during the latency stage?
Most of the time is spent in interacting with peer and role models from the same sex
What ages does the genital stage last?
Puberty and onwards
What is the erogenous zone of the genital stage?
Matured sexual interests
What activities are performed during the genital stage?
Sexual attractions begin
What is the id?
The primitive and instinctual part of the mind that contains sexual and aggressive drives and hidden memories
What is the super-ego?
The moral conscience
What is the ego?
The realistis part that mediates between the desires of the id and the super-ego