step 3 32 Flashcards
DKA workup
UPT CBC BMP Calcium amylase lipase EKG UA ABG Serum osms Serum ketones Regular insulin, IV Phenergan IV Discontinue oxygen
DKA orders once admitted
NPO Bed rest Vitals UOP Replete K HbA1c phos BMP q4 hrs Stop 0.9NS and give 1/2 nS after 4 hours
DKA discharge orders
subcu insulin
Diabetic diet
Emergency orders in patient presenting unconscious
Airway suction Pulse ox Intubation IV access Cardiac montor Thiamine D50 Naloxone
workup of narcotic OD
EKG CBC BMP CXR LFT's UA UTox B-hcg Blood alcohol
Initial treatment of narcotic OD
NG tube
Gastric lavage
Activated charcoal
CF workup
Nursing orders sputum grain stain sputum culture and sensitivity blood cultures CBC-BMP CXR Sweat chloride 72-hour fecal fat
CF treatment
O2 Augmentin Nebulized albuterol MVI Chest physiotherapy D5NS Regular diet
CF orders at discharge
Flu shot + pneumovax
Nutrition consult
Pancreatic enzymes
Genetic counseling
renal failure-decreased UOP workup
Stat fluids Foley 12 lead ABG CBC BMP mag and phos UA Uculture Urine sodium Urine creatinine
renal failure orders once admitted
Discontinue nephrotoxic drugs vitals 24 hr urine protein Diabetic diet Renal Ultrasound Strict I-O's Accuchecks HBa1c SSI
pediatric gastroenteritis workup
IV access CBC BMP UA IVF stool heme check stool for leukocytes stool culture breast-feeding ad lib
PCOS workup
*need to rule out CAH, hyperprolactenima, Urine beta-HCG Serum testosterone total and free Serum DHEAS Serum prolactin 24-hour urine cortisol 24-hour urine 17-ketosteroids Serum TSH Serum LH Serum FSH Pelvic US Fasting lipid profile Glucose tolerance test
PCOS remaining therapy
Counseling on weight loss, low fat diet, exercise
Pap smear
Emergency care for DT
pulse ox O2 Cardiac monitor IVF IV thiamine IV folic acid BLood glucose NPO 12-lead ativan seizure and aspiration precautions
DT workup
CBC BMP LFTs coags Serum mag and phos ABG Utox Blood alcohol CXR (to rule out precipitating infection and aspiration) CT head (to rule out head injury)
DT therapy at discharge
infant with jaundice workup
Blood type, infant and mother Direct coomb's test CRP CBC Total and indirect bili I/Os VS
hemolytic disease of newborn workup + therapy
H,H q8 hrs total bilirubin q 8 hr Continue breast feeding transfer to NICU phototherpay IVF
minimal change disease workup
Admit I/O's UA BMP CBC LFTs lipid panel Coags Complement CMP
minimal change disease therapy
nephrology consult Albumin Lasix no salt, high protein diet prednisone
pediatric sepsis workup
CBC BMP BCX UCX LP CSF for protein, glucose, cell count, gram stain CXR CRP
pediatric sepsis therapy
Vitals q4h NS Ampicillin Cefotaxime I-O's Daily CBC, BMP Oxygen Discharge on amoxicillin
normal pupil size
2-5 mm