step 3 30 Flashcards
central hypothyroidism
low free T4 + low or inappropriately normal TSH
management of central hypothyroidism
ACTH stimulation test first, then give levo (levo can accelerate cortisol metabolism and precipitate adrenal crisis in patients with undiagnosed adrenal insufficiency).
biggest RF’s for CKD progression
most effective way to ensure transition of care according to USMLE
oral communication, need to call PCP, provider-to-provider phone call, closed loop
normal bicarb
management of breast pain
If noncyclic, unilateral, or focal, imaging
quasi-experimental study design
- nonrandomized study used when not feasible or ethical to conduct a randomized controlled trial
anorexia nervosa management
FIRST LINE: CBT + nutritional rehab
SECOND LINE: olanzapine
treatment of menopausal symptoms in patient contraindicated for estrogen
anemia of pregnancy physiology
Pregnant women have mild dilutional anemia because plasma volume increases more rapidly than RBC mass
bleeding in pregnancy?
Gingival bleeding is common due to hyperplasia and inflammation from hormonal changes
meds causing AIN
other features of panic disorder
- recurrent and unexpected panic attacks (often with no clear trigger)
immediate treatment of panic disorder
GI disorder associated with trisomy 21
Hirschsprung disease
transient synovitis vs. septic arthritis presentation
transient synovitis – Well-appearing kid with history of mild infection/URI, with effusion, and able to bear weight
septic arthritis – high fever, ill-appearing,
first step in pediatric hip pain workup
transient synovitis management
chronic condition, non-weight bearing
ADHD diagnosis
Need to evaluate for symptoms in 2 or more settings + symptoms present for 6 months + significant functional impairment
- need to use ADHD-specific behavior scales by parent and teacher
- symptom onset before age 12