CCS 2 Flashcards
Stroke-TIA orders
Head-CT CBC BMP ECG cardiac monitor carotid doppler Blood glucose Echo lipid HBA1C MRI head MRA brain
Stroke-TIA therapy
IV access
Consider CEA
Stroke-TIA steps
Exam STAT orders (CBC, CT-head, BMP, ECG) ASA as soon as CT head negative Transfer patient to ward Ward orders
Stroke-TIA ward orders
diabetic diet, glucose q8h, STAT imaging (MRA, etc.)
PID workup
HCG Gram stain, cervix Gonorrhea culture Chlamydia culture UA Urine culture CBC BMP RPR HIV Pap smear
PID therapy
IV access IVF IV clinda + IV gentamicin inpatient, outpatient CTX + doxy for 14 days Phenergan IV Acetaminophen IV Morphine IV NPO bedrest Counseling
bleeding diathesis orders in kid
CBC BMP Bleeding time PT/PTT LFTs Factor VIII, IX, XI
hemophilia therapy
Factor replacement No ASA Counseling Genetics consult Admit to ward
hemophilia monitoring
ACS emergency orders
Pulse ox O2 Cardiac monitor Continuous BP 12 lead IV access **ASA nitroglycerin IV access
ACS workup
12 lead Troponin CXR CBC BMP LFT's lipids PT-PTT-INR Echo cardiology consult
ACS therap
MONA-BASH ASA Nitro **Heparin metoprolol Eptifibatide Statin Cardiology consult Cath NPO Bedrest Counseling
croup workup + emergency orders
EMERGENCY orders STAT (oxygen, pulse ox)
Neck x-ray STAT
croup therapy
Humidified air
Epinephrine, inhaled
Dexamethasone oral
Counsel patient
asthma exacerbation emergency orders
Pulse ox q 1 hour Oxygen IV access Head elevation Cardiac monitor
Asthma exacerbation workup
asthma exacerbation therapy
Oxygen Albuterol Iptratropium bromide steroids Counseling
asthma monitoring
pulse ox
Peak flow q 1 hour
IF not responding, admit
meds that can cause constipation
CCB’s, opioids, anticholinergics, iron replacement
constipation workup
CBC BMP Serum mag serum phos TSH FOBT colonoscopy HBA1C
constipation therapy
High fiber diet **metamucil oral hydration low salt diet low fat diet Exercise program Patient counseling
*don’t start second line therapies first
constipation first line and second line
Initial measures:
Fiber + fluids
Bulk forming laxatives (psyllium/metamucil, methylcellulose)
IF refractory:
Softeners (docusate), osmolar agents (lactulose, sorbitol, mag citrate), stimulants (senna, bisacodyl)
GI referral for colonic transit, anorectal manometry
physical exam + location also for acute appendicitis
*transfer immediately to ER after exam, then admit to ward before surgery
appendicitis workup in kids
CBC BMP LFTs FOBT UA coags abdominal US (CT only if US equivocal or child is obese)