Sport + Society Flashcards
define society.
an organised group of people associated for some specific purpose or with a shared common culture
what is involved in socialisation?
primary== early years of childhood in the immediate family
secondary== teenage+ adults from peers, media, school..
-learn traits e.g: co-operation/teamwork
Gender socialisation- the act of learning to conform to culturally define gender roles through socialisation
Define Socialisation
A lifelong process where members of a society learn its norms, values, ideas + roles in order to take their place in that society
define social issues.
Problems that affect many people within society
define social control.
The way in which people’s thoughts, feelings, appearance and behaviour are regulated in social systems
define social change.
changes in human interactions + relationships that transform cultural + social institutions // an alteration in the social order of society
define social inequality.
an occurrence when resources are distributed unevenly
define social stratification
a type of social inequality associated to characteristics of wealth or status
What are the factors contributing to social class
- employment
- family background
- education
- income
Define prejudice
To form an unfavourable opinion of an individual based on inadequate facts
The unfair treatment of a person or minority group to make a distinction + act on a prejudice
A standardised image, make simple generalisations about all members of a group which allows others to categorise + treat them accordingly
What are the causes of social inequality
- lack of money
- lack of confidence
- lack of role models
- myths/stereotypes
Social action theory
- A way of viewing socialisation, emphasising social action
- sport is produced + developed @ a particular time through the relationships and social networks of people who share similar views
What are the benefits of raising participation
- improved physical fitness + health
- improved mental health
- social benefits- meeting new people and making new friends
- positive use of free time = reduced crime rate
- help performance @ work due to improved mental and physical ability
- spending money on equipment and facilities provides people with jobs and benefits economy
Explain Sport Englands equality and diversity policy
- committed to developing a culture that enables + values everyone’s full involvement
-creating an environment in which everyone has opportunities to play, compete, officiate, coach, volunteer and run community sport - overcoming potential barriers for those wishing to play sport, particularly if they are from groups who are currently under-represented in sport
What are the barriers to participation?
- lack of time
- negative social experiences
- lack of motivation
- lack of resources
- family obligations
What are the solutions to the barriers to participation?
- add physical activity to a daily routine
- invite family + friends to exercise with you on a regular basis
- select activities requiring few or no skills/ few facilities and equipment
- exercise with the children
What are the barriers to participation for disability
- negative self-image/ lack of confidence
-lack of access into and around facilities
-relatively low income levels - lack of organised programmes
- lack of media coverage
- lack of specialist coaches/ clubs and adapted equipment
- myths + stereotypes
What are the solutions to the barrier of participation of disability
- provide more opportunities for success
- increase investment in disabled sport
- provide transport to facilities and around facilities
- improvised technology
- increase media coverage + promoting role models
- training of more specialist coaches
- educating people on myths/ stereotypes
- designing activities specifically for disabled people
- specialist organisations to support + develop opportunities
what is the ‘This Girl Can’ campaign?
-celebrates active women who are doing their thing no matter hoe they look, how well they do it or how sweaty they get
-reaches out to women of all backgrounds
-funded by national lottery
what is ‘Cricket for Change’?
–Chris Gale set up academy
-to have a positive impact on the lives of disadvantaged children
-to increase aspiration, promote mutual respect + enhances relationships with the community - ‘Street Chance’
- to decrease crime
what are physical health benefits?
–stay fit + healthy
–reduced chance of illness + disease
–lower resting HR
– hypertrophy
–improved components of fitness
–increased bone density
–reduced cholesterol
–reduced heart disease, heart attack, stroke + type 2 diabetes
–increased joint flexibility
what are social health benefits?
–make more friends
–can build skills
–boosts self-esteem
– develops a sense of fair play + improves social skills
–acceptance of rules, decisions of others
explain other benefits of participation.
–crime- more positive use of free time = lower crime rates
–employment- increased productivity at work/lower absenteeism= less time off work + more productivity
–economic- increased spending on healthy pursuits= more money put into economy via increased ‘leisure spend’