paper 2 - 2022 questions Flashcards
The data gathered from a fitness test can be either quantitative or qualitative.
Define the terms quantitative and qualitative. (2 marks)
> Quantitative – numerical information/measured using numbers. (1)
> Qualitative – descriptive information about opinions/thoughts/feelings/emotions/subjective. (1)
State two factors that can affect the reliability of a fitness test. (2 marks)
> Experience of the person carrying out the test / human error. (1)
Whether the testing equipment used has been calibrated / protocol standardised. (1) > Whether the tests have been carried out/repeated multiple times. (1)
The motivation/preparation of the participant. (1)
The start of a 100 m sprint race requires athletes to accelerate as quickly as they can out of the blocks.
Acceleration is a vector quantity.
Define what is meant by a vector quantity. (1 mark)
> A vector quantity has both magnitude/size and direction. (1)
Evaluate the suitability of including high-intensity interval training (HIIT) in either a
basketball or a netball team’s training programme. (3 marks)
For (sub max 2):
* The combination of high-intensity and recovery effectively mimics the demands of competition for netball/basketball teams. (1)
* Used to stress the anaerobic energy system/develop anaerobic power allowing netball/basketball players to perform jump higher when rebounding/sprint faster to intercept a pass. (1)
* Used to stress the aerobic energy system/develop cardiovascular endurance, allowing netball/basketball players to recover quickly during breaks/maintain performance for the duration of the game. (1)
* HIIT is adaptable and work rest ratios can be altered to match those found in netball/basketball / sports specific exercises can be included eg plyometrics to improve rebounding. (1)
* HIIT is a time efficient method to improve fitness level meaning more time can be spent developing basketball/netball skills/teamplay. (1)
Against (sub max 2)
* Netball/basketball involve many changes of intensity, with varying time for recovery, the intermittent nature of games may not be easily replicated by interval training. (1)
* High intensity work involved in interval training can increase the risk of injury leading to reduced playing time/decreased fitness/reduced performance levels. (1)
* Intensity of training may mean players are unable to recover fully between training sessions reducing performance levels. (1)
Elite-level rugby players are at high risk of suffering from musculo-skeletal injuries due to the physical nature of the sport.
Evaluate the use of screening to prevent musculo-skeletal injuries in elite rugby.
(8 marks)
AO1 Knowledge of screening to prevent musculo-skeletal injuries:
* Screening to prevent musculo-skeletal injuries involves undertaking a series of tests to establish the current musculo-skeletal condition of the athlete/current injury status.
* Screening can be used to assess/identify muscle imbalances / core strength / range of joint movement/mobility / postural alignment / stress fractures.
AO2 Application of screening to prevent musculo-skeletal injuries to elite rugby players:
* Screening can identify muscle imbalances such as stronger quadriceps and weaker hamstrings which would increase the risk of the rugby player injuring their hamstring.
* Screening can identify a weakness in core muscles which would decrease stability during contact which increases the likelihood of injury.
* Screening can identify a lack of mobility in the rugby player’s ankles which may place increased pressure on other joints when trying to scrummage/ruck etc.
* Screening can identify hypermobility in a rugby player’s shoulder which may increase the likelihood of dislocation when tackling.
* Screening can identify postural defects which could increase the risk of injury when scrummaging/rucking/mauling.
AO3 Evaluation of the effectiveness of using screening to prevent musculo-skeletal injuries:
* Screening can allow for pre-hab work so injuries are avoided and the rugby player does not miss any training or playing time.
* Based on the results of screening, conditioning programmes can be individualised to target specific weaknesses, decreasing the risk of future injuries.
* Detection of issues can allow for additional interventions such as bracing to limit the chance of injury/surgery to correct chronic issues.
* Some screening tests are not 100% accurate and may miss a problem/provide a false negative which could lead to the rugby player picking up a more serious injury.
* Despite screening being commonplace in professional rugby, injuries still occur as some are unavoidable.
* Preventative measures such as taping/bracing/protective equipment may be more effective at preventing injuries than screening.
* Screening can incorrectly identify issues/provide false positives which can lead to a rugby player unnecessarily missing training/games while the issue is investigated which then results in a reduction in fitness levels.
* The identification of potential issues may cause the rugby player anxiety/confidence issues which would increase the likelihood of injury if the player wasn’t fully committed to a tackle.
Analyse how an athlete can maximise the distance a discus travels.
Use your knowledge of the factors affecting horizontal displacement of projectiles and
the Bernoulli principle in your answer.
(15 marks)
AO1 Knowledge of the factors affecting horizontal displacement of projectiles and the Bernoulli principle:
* Angle of release, dependent on the height of release and height of landing of the projectile.
* Speed of release, the greater the speed of release, the greater the horizontal displacement of the projectile.
* Height of release, the greater the release height, the greater the horizontal displacement.
* The Bernoulli principle states where air flow is fast over the surface of an object pressure is low,
where air flow is slow over an object pressure is high
AO2 Understanding of how the factors affecting horizontal displacement of projectiles and the Bernoulli principle affect the flight of a discus:
* Release height of discus out of the athlete’s hand is greater than the landing height.
* The faster the athlete spins in the circle the greater the speed of release.
* Height of release depends on the height of the athlete / technique.
* The discus needs to be thrown with the optimal angle of attack for the Bernoulli principle to take effect (this is between 25 and 40 degrees).
* Athlete throwing the discus will try to optimise the speed, height and angle of release as well as the angle of attack.
AO3 Analysis of the impact the factors affecting horizontal displacement of projectiles and the Bernoulli principle will have on the distance the discus travels:
* (Release height of discus out of the athlete’s hand is greater than the landing height) therefore the optimum angle of release is less than 450.
* If the angle of release is above optimal the speed of release will be slower due to air resistance meaning the discus will travel a shorter distance before landing.
* The speed of release can be increased by improving the throwers power / suitable training method.
* Taller athletes with better technique will be able to optimise horizontal displacement due to a greater height of release.
* If the angle of attack is optimal, air travelling over the top of the discuss will have further to travel, travelling faster, creating low pressure.
* Air travelling under the discuss will have less distance to travel, moving slower creating high pressure.
* Air will move from high to low pressure creating lift and optimising the distance the discus travels.
A performer’s likelihood of success is influenced by them having a positive attitude.
Describe four factors which may lead to the formation of a positive attitude.
(4 marks)
> (Socialisation) Observing a positive attitude in others (eg family/peers/teammates/the media). (1)
(Conditioning) Others (eg family/peers/teammates/coaches) reinforcing that a positive attitude is
desirable / praising/rewarding a positive attitude. (1)
(Past experiences) Having been successful in the past. (1)
(Familiarity) Experienced something a lot (eg via media) / if an activity is familiar/fun/engaging/
challenging/competitive. (1)
Hollander’s model is one example of an interactionist perspective of personality.
Explain how a coach can apply knowledge of Hollander’s model of personality to
improve performance. Refer to each level of the model in your answer. (3 marks)
- Psychological core: means behaviour can be predictable/stable, a coach may be able to see signs a performer is going to respond aggressively and substitute/call a time out to remove them from the environment. (1)
- Typical responses: a coach can simulate trigger situations introducing strategies in training to condition them to respond differently. (1)
- Role-related behaviour: a coach could give responsibility, eg captaincy, leading to a different response because of their perceived importance to the team. (1)
Evaluate the impact of extrinsic rewards on a performer’s motivation. (3 marks)
Positive impact (sub max 2):
* They can be useful to enhance the motivation of the performer as it gives them something to aim
for/work towards/persist until they achieve the reward. (1)
* They can enhance motivation for activities that the performer finds particularly
difficult/unenjoyable/tedious. (1)
Negative impact (sub max 2):
* They could damage the performer’s intrinsic motivation / athlete becomes reliant on extrinsic as
they may not want to continue when they no longer have the reward available. (1)
* If a performer doesn’t achieve the extrinsic reward, this could damage their motivation as they
may feel as though they have failed. (1)
A badminton player is suffering from learned helplessness.
Analyse the strategies a coach could use to help the player overcome learned
helplessness and improve their performance. (8 marks)
AO1 – Knowledge of the strategies to avoid learned helplessness:
* Learned helplessness is the belief that failure is inevitable.
Strategies include:
* allowing success/reminding performer of previous successful performances
* positive feedback – feedback highlighting the good points of a performance
* setting performance/process goals – goals focused on improving own personal
* attribution retraining – changing a performer’s perception of failure, success to internal-stable factors and failure to external factors.
AO2 – Application of the strategies to avoid learned helplessness on the badminton player:
* The badminton player competes against a weaker player/competes in a lower league to experience success.
* The badminton player is reminded of a match last season where they played some excellent drop shots.
* Coach tells the badminton player that they have an excellent low serve.
* Setting a target of improving technique for an overhead clear/number of successful serves over the net.
* Attributing success to ability, ‘I won because I played effective smash shots during the match’ and failure to luck ‘I lost because I picked up an injury before the match’ or task difficulty ‘a lost because I played against an opponent from a higher league’.
AO3 – Analysis of the impact of the strategies to avoid learned helplessness on the badminton player:
* Allowing success will mean that the performer will have a positive experience reassuring them that success is possible, therefore increasing their belief that they can be successful in future, more challenging situations.
* Positive feedback will mean that the coach will persuade the performer that they do have the ability, so they will believe it for themselves.
* Setting performance/process goals will mean that the performer will gain a sense of confidence when they achieve their goals, encouraging them to be more persistent in future.
* Setting performance/process goals will be better than setting outcome goals as the performer will focus on themselves and not comparing themselves to others.
* Attribution retraining will mean that the performer will believe that success is due to their ability, which will lead to self-serving bias.
* These strategies will ensure that the performer no longer believes that failure is inevitable and will ensure that the performer persists resulting in an improvement in their performance, such as improved quality of serve/more confidence to attempt difficult shots, such as smash shots.
An experienced women’s rugby team is bottom of the league with only a few games left before the end of the season.
A new head coach is recruited and chooses to adopt an autocratic leadership style during training sessions and games.
Analyse the impact an autocratic leadership style may have on the team. Refer to
Chelladurai’s multi-dimensional model in your answer. (15 marks)
AO1 Knowledge of Chelladurai’s multi-dimensional model
* Autocratic leader makes all of the decisions.
* Requirements of the situation determine the required leadership behaviour.
* Characteristics of team member determine the preferred behaviour.
* The requirements of the situation, the characteristics of team members and the characteristics of the leader determine actual behaviour.
Accept labelled diagrams of Chelladurai’s multi-dimensional model.
AO2 Application of an autocratic leadership style and Chelladurai’s multi-dimensional model to the women’s rugby team:
Autocratic leadership style=
* Coach will not consult over key decisions eg roles in the team such as captain/tactics which are employed, making all the decisions themselves.
* Team is facing relegation, if there are few fixtures left, the time for the coach to turn things round could be very limited.
* Rugby involves a large squad, often 20–30 players, and complex skills requiring co-ordination.
Do not accept danger of the sport as a situational factor, as context states players are experienced.
Group member’s characteristics=
* Players are experienced, which may mean they’re older/more able and want to be involved in decision making.
* It is a female team, which may mean that they prefer to be involved/consulted when important decisions are made.
Leader’s characteristics=
* Coach may have achieved success in the past employing an autocratic approach/may prefer telling players what to do in training or during matches.
AO3 Analysis of the impact employing an autocratic leadership style may have on the team’s performance and team member’s satisfaction:
* Experienced female team members may prefer a democratic approach, but requirements of the situation and leader’s preferences lead to autocratic behaviour, performance, and satisfaction unlikely to improve.
* Team needs to win as many fixtures as possible in a short space of time to avoid relegation, autocratic leadership likely to improve performance/results quickly.
* Ensuring all members of a large squad understand their role in the team/tactics is complex, an autocratic style may be the most efficient way of achieving this quickly.
* The coach’s preference to adopt an autocratic leadership style, may mean they are most effective leading in this way, leading to improved performances/results.
* Team member satisfaction is important, team members may leave/team may disband/cliques may form/productivity may be reduced.
Maintaining data integrity ensures the accuracy, consistency and completeness of data whilst it is collected, stored and shared.
State three ways that data integrity can be maintained. (3 marks)
- Data collected could be automatically backed-up on a hard drive/cloud storage. (1)
- A password / antivirus software is used to secure the data. (1)
- Using a spreadsheet which only accepts relevant values can reduce the number of errors made
whilst entering data. (1) - Limiting how many times the data is transferred/shared/copied. (1)
- Locking the screen whenever away from the device / the data is never left unsupervised. (1)
Define the term ‘negligence’. (1 mark)
- Breaching the duty of care resulting in (foreseeable) harm. (1)
- Conduct that falls below the required standards to maintain safety resulting in (foreseeable) harm.
Give three examples of negligence by a rugby official. (3 marks)
- Injury caused by not applying the rules of the game correctly. (1)
- Injury caused by failure to check clothing/footwear properly. (1)
- Injury caused by failure to check the safety of the surface before a match. (1) * Injury caused by failure to check the equipment. (1)
- Failure to stop the game due to an injury to a player. (1)
‘The use of performance enhancing drugs should be allowed in sport.’
Evaluate this statement. (3 marks)
Arguments for allowing PEDs (sub max 2):
* It levels the playing field if everyone took them/it would be fairer as all athletes would have the option to take them. (1)
* Drug testing is time consuming/expensive/ can be ineffective so this would be eliminated if everyone was allowed to take them. (1)
* If taking PEDs is permitted, health risks could be more closely monitored, making it safer. (1)
* It would make sport more exciting/entertaining to watch as performance standards would increase. (1)
Arguments against allowing PEDs (sub max 2):
* Not everyone could afford to take PEDs therefore the playing field wouldn’t be level. (1)
* It would force athletes who may not want to take PEDs to take them in order to keep up with competitors. (1)
* It could lead to long term health implications as athletes would be taking them for longer periods of time / eg regular steroid would increase the risk of heart disease. (1)
* Spectators may be put off sport knowing that what they are watching is not natural ability/is chemically enhanced performance. (1)
* The use of drugs in sport is immoral/unethical which would damage its reputation/put people off participating (1)
One football coach believes in the importance of winning fairly so encourages their players to demonstrate sportsmanship.
Another coach believes the win ethic is more important so encourages their players to use gamesmanship.
Evaluate these views in relation to professional football. (8 marks)
AO1 Knowledge of sportsmanship and the win ethic/gamesmanship:
* Sportsmanship involves:
* abiding by the written and unwritten rules of sport/etiquette * maintaining self-control
* fair play/respect for opponents and officials.
* Win ethic is concerned with winning at all costs which may include increased deviance and gamesmanship.
* Gamesmanship involves bending the rules but not breaking them to gain an advantage.
AO2 Application of sportsmanship and win ethic/gamesmanship to football:
Sportsmanship in football involves:
* shaking hands at the end of the match
* kicking the ball out of play so an injured player can receive treatment
* returning the ball to the opposition team when it has been kicked out of play due to injury * helping a player to their feet who has been injured
* accepting the referee’s decision.
Win ethic/gamesmanship in football involves:
* deliberate deception of an official such as claiming a throw in knowing it isn’t theirs/overreacting to a
challenge/trying to get other players sent off
* diving to win a penalty
* time wasting.
AO3 Evaluation of the views in relation to professional football:
Sportsmanship more important:
* Sportsmanship in football is still encouraged/highlighted in the media/players receive praise for sportsmanlike conduct.
* There are consequences for players if they fail to show sportsmanship, for example being booked for time wasting/consistent fouling resulting in a yellow card.
* FIFA Fair Play Award is awarded annually for acts of sportsmanship in the game suggesting that it still valued as a sporting ethic by the sport’s governing body.
* Professional football players encouraged to be role models/Respect campaign in football suggests sportsmanship is still important.
Win ethic/gamesmanship more important:
* Win ethic is a large part of professional football due to increased financial rewards associated with success in football.
* Increased professionalism in football has led to a great win ethic leading to more acts of gamesmanship/deviancy taking place/difficult to maintain a sportsmanlike approach when pressure is so high.
* Overall, win ethic is the most frequently occurring sporting ethic in professional football, sportsmanship becoming much less common.
Media coverage of professional tennis has increased over the past 20 years. Tennis players are increasingly required to interact with the media in the lead-up to matches.
Evaluate the impact the media may have on a professional tennis player’s self-efficacy in an upcoming match.
Refer to Bandura’s Model of self-efficacy in your answer. (15 marks)
AO1 Knowledge of media and self-efficacy:
>Media: radio, TV, satellite, internet and social media
>Self-efficacy: a belief in your ability to master a specific sporting situation
Bandura’s Model of Self-efficacy:
* Performance accomplishments: what you have achieved already.
* Vicarious experiences: seeing others do the task.
* Verbal persuasion: encouragement from others.
* Emotional arousal: a perception of the effects of anxiety on performance.
AO2 Application of media and self-efficacy to the tennis player
Application of media to tennis:
* Tennis is regularly shown on TV.
* Major tournaments generate high viewing figures.
* Many players are high-profile celebrities with large social media followings. * Highlights/reports etc can be seen across the internet.
Application of self-efficacy to tennis:
* Performance accomplishments: a tennis player may have previously beaten their upcoming opponent.
* Vicarious experiences: a tennis player may see a similarly ranked player beating their next opponent.
* Verbal persuasion: the tennis player’s coach may give them encouragement before their upcoming match.
* Emotional arousal: the tennis player may use stress management techniques to achieve optimal arousal.
AO3 Evaluation of the impact the media may have on a professional tennis player’s self-efficacy in an upcoming match:
Positive impact:
* Performance accomplishments: media commentators may highlight that the player has never lost to their opponent in their previous ten meetings which will increase their self-efficacy.
* Vicarious experiences: the player will be able to watch other players of similar rank on TV/internet beating their next opponent which will increase self-efficacy.
* Verbal persuasion: commentators may predict that the player will win their next match increasing their self-efficacy.
* Emotional arousal: as the player is a professional, they will be in the autonomous stage of learning and as such an increase in emotional arousal, due to a large TV audience/media presence, will result in social facilitation and increased self-efficacy.
Negative impact:
* Performance accomplishments: media commentators may highlight that the player has never beaten their opponent in their previous ten meetings which will decrease their self-efficacy.
* Vicarious experiences: the player will be able to watch other players of similar rank on TV/internet losing to their next opponent which will decrease self-efficacy.
* Verbal persuasion: commentators may predict that the player will lose their next match decreasing their self-efficacy.
* Emotional arousal: the player may be an autonomous performer but not have experienced playing in front of a large TV audience/media presence before – this will result in increased arousal and could result in very high arousal levels decreasing self-efficacy.