Splints Flashcards
Thumb spica splint/short opponens splint
fractures, median nerve injury, repetitive motion syndromes of thumb, scaphoid, lunate, 1st MC fx, deQuervains, mommy thumb/gamers thumb, ulnar collateral ligament damage, inflammation/deformity of CMC/MCP due to arthritis/dislocation
- CMC, MCP joint support, hand based or wrist cock up (thermoplastic or fabric with metal stays)
- immobilize thumb (thumb opposed, PIP not immobilized to allow distal movement/opposition to fingers)
general purpose for splints
- to immobilize during healing to prevent re-injury, promote correct bone/tissue alignment
- to support to align extremity, allowing function
limit wearing time of a new splint to
1-2 hours at a time unless MC says otherwise & increase wear time as tolerated
if a splint must cover a bony prominence, the area around the prominence should be
padded, skin monitored
static splints
no moving parts, splinted area is immobilized, made of low temperature thermoplastic but could be made from harder, less flexible material
dynamic splints
have moving parts, position to facilitate movement, may have thermoplastic bases combined with movable components or can be made from softer materials (neoprene, cloth)
resting pan splint
- for conditions that require long immobilization
EX: hemiparesis, arthritis, chronic pain - support front of fingers, hand, wrist, FA, thumb in slight abduction
- can be padded
dorsal resting pan splint
for skin conditions, IV or other ports, contracture or deformities that prevent fit of a volar splint
- wrist/FA support on back rather than front
- used when splint contact with front of wrist & FA is contraindicated
antispasticity ball splint
hemiparesis from CVA/TBI, CP, MS, other degenerative conditions, Alzheimers
- supports front of hand/fingers/wrist, FA
- fingers & thumb abducted by individual troughs
- reduce spasticity, prevents contractures
cone splint
to position hand when severe flexion contracture is present (Alzheimers, hemiparesis, dementia, advanced neurological conditions)
- narrow end towards thumb, wide end towards pinky (hand or wrist/FA based)
wrist cock up
for wrist injuries, median nerve compression injuries, positioning with spasticity/deformity, carpal tunnel, arthritis, simple wrist fx, CP
- wrist in 15 degrees extension with hole for thumb
- thermoplastic or fabric with metal stays
- immobilize wrist
- variation is dorsal wrist cock up
volar wrist splint
fractures, tenosynovitis, positioning after nerve injury/surgery, repetitive motion injuries, carpal tunnel, wrist fx, radial nerve palsy, RA
- similar to wrist cock up but wrist in neutral
thumb extension splint
thumb in extension, prevents adduction, opposition
- immobilize thumb after tendon/ligament injuries
C-bar splint
- positions thumb in opposition to index finger
- maintains a web space
- used in place of a cast for edema
posterior elbow splint
- immobilize shoulder following fx, soft tissue injury, brachial plexus injury, shoulder fx, soft tissue injuries due to dislocation
- rigid plastic + metal positioning
- UE in 90 degrees elbow flexion
- variation: elbow fully extended, FA supinated, fingers extended (for deep tissue 2nd & 3rd degree burns)
static finger flexion splint
corrects finger extension contractures from injuries
static finger extension splint
corrects finger flexion contractures (Dupuytren’s contracture)
- thermoplastic or metal trough with strapping to stretch finger into extension
intrinsic plus resting splint
intrinsic resting position: MCP 70-90 deg flexion, IP full extension
- when hand must be immobilized for a while
MCP blocking splint
prevent stress to flexor tendons after injury/repair
- flexor tendons in relaxed position, prevents MCP extension
serpentine splint
counteracts MCP hyperextension, PIP flexion (claw deformity)
- MCP joint in 90 deg flexion, causes PIP extension with continued active grasp
thumb abductor splint
stabilize CMC to reduce pain/improve grip & pinch
- thumb abducted
dynamic finger flexion splin
for recovery from tendon/ligament injury & surgery to protect repaired tendon, allowing limited movement for mobility
- controlled stretch to increase finger flexion but allows finger extension
dynamic finger extension splint
for recovery from tendon/ligament injury & surgery to protect repaired tendon, address finger flexion contracture/deformity
- controlled stretch to increase finger extension but allows finger flexion
ulnar deviation splint
align fingers when MCPs have degenerated (RA)
- finger separaters
- thermoplastic or stiff fabric
silver ring splints
for swan neck deformity & boutonniere
- metal rings adjust over PIP (swan neck) or DIP (boutonniere)
dynamic wrist extension splint
maintain wrist position following fx, radial nerve injury/repair, dorsal tendon injury/repair
- maintain wrist extension, allow active wrist flexion
dynamic wrist flexion splint
maintain wrist position following fx, median or ulnar nerve injury/repair, volar tendon injury/repair
- maintain wrist flexion, allow active wrist extension
soft wrist support
conservative carpal tunnel, arthritis
- neoprene or fabric, support to the wrist & distal FA while allowing wrist movement
dynamic elbow flexion/extension splint
recovery from elbow fx, tendon repair, reduce elbow contracture
- facilitate/limit elbow flexion or extension while allowing active movement within MD range
soft elbow brace
pain relief from tendonitis, arthritis, lateral or medial epicondylitis
- compression/support to elbow while allowing movement (neoprene or fabric)
hemi-arm support
support shoulder after tendon injury/repair, dislocation, hemiparesis from CVA, TBI
- soft shoulder support
dynamic shoulder abduction splint
elbow = 90 dg flexion, shoulder in varying degrees abduction, limited FA/hand movement
- position shoulder after surgery/injury
flail arm splint
for UE movement after nerve injury, compensation technique due to degenerative neuro disease, brachial plexus injury, ALS, MS, muscular dystrophy
- shoulder harness, FA, wrist cuffs
tenodesis splint
clients with little/no active hand movement (C6 SCI)
balanced FA orthosis
mobile arm support
- UB paralysis, extreme weakness, must have active shoulder movement
- C4-C5 SCI, MD, MS, ALS, GB
suspension sling/deltoid sling
extreme UE weakness due to CVA, TBI, SCI, MS, MD, GB, ALS
- sling with elbow support, wrist support, connected to horizontal bar from overhead device
serial casting
for old soft tissue injuries, burns, CP, CVA, TBI
- provide PROLONGED STRETCH to contracted joint, increase ROM as casting progresses, worn 1-2 weeks
inhibitory casting
position UE affected by spasticity in functional/stable position
- to reduce tone/spasticity
- can wear splints, do ROM afterwards
provide less support, allows for some movement
- OA, CMC, deQuervains
softer, more flexible material
Resting hand splint
Supports volar fingers, hand, wrist, FA
- thumb is slightly abducted
- controls the wrist position
What splint is best for inhibiting tone?
Cone splint
What splint is best for encouraging tone
Resting hand splint