General Peds Information Flashcards
How to calculate gestational age for a premature baby
Current amount of months from birth — # of months early
EX: baby born at 6 months (3 months early) & it is now 7 months from their birth (7-3 = 4 months corrected age)
Subtract gestational age at birth from 40
(EX: 40 - 36 months (time born early) = 4 weeks)
In-hand manipulation
Ability to move/position objects within one hand without using the other hand
EX: place 3 coins into child’s hand & ask him to place the coins into a piggy bank one at a time
If student’s progress has plateaued then what should occur?
Discuss new interventions with special ed teacher to be implemented in the classroom to work towards goals
If a student does not qualify for special education services through an IEP but has deficits, what can be done?
504 plan (rehabilitation act of 1973)
By what age is it stated that an IEP must include documentation pertaining to the student’s transition from public school to post-secondary education/employment?
By 16 years for every state
Occupational therapy in public schools cannot be provided unless
The child qualifies for special ed under IDEA 2004 or an accommodation plan under section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
If a student does not have an IEP or 504 in place and is demonstrating delays in certain areas, what has to happen?
The special ed director observes the student to determine if an OT special ed eval is needed. The director then contacts the parents, asking for permission to evaluate the student and will notify members of the special ed team who may need to evaluate the student
Can IEP goals be changed in the middle of the school year?
No, but other goals can be worked on if they relate to the deficit areas of the IEP
Which type of scissors are best to use when starting to work on cutting skills?
Loop scissors
When teaching a child to self feed, where should the food be placed?
Right in front of the child
Closed neural tube deficits
Type of spina bifida, incomplete paralysis/bowel & bladder issues
Have a lack of ROM, multiple joint contractures, muscle weakness
Progression of AT for keyboarding if unable to use hands
Use least invasive device first (head pointer) —> switch
If a child is transitioning from tube feeding to oral feeding, what should the OT start with?
Progressive desensitization techniques to get used to types/textures of foods before choosing a food type
Do colleges have IEPs or special ed?
No, but they have disability services- they aren’t obligated to provide same supports as high school but have to follow section 504 & ADA
In IEPs, what is the difference between a modification & an accommodation?
Modification = change from what is being taught/expected
Accommodation = change that helps student work around disability
Kinesthesia approach to forming letters/numbers
Draw imaginary letters in the air, write letters on wall mounted chalkboard with chalk, write letters using weighted pencil
If a child has a hearing impairment, how does the OT ensure that the child is understanding them?
Get child’s attention, make sure they are looking at you before giving them instructions
Rolling prone to supine, supine to prone via segmental rollling occurs at
How to help a child with organization issues
Picture schedules, visual planners
When do children scoop food with a spoon & bring it to their mouth?
Floor sitter
Child with CP can play on floor near their peers
Motor planning activities
Line dancing, playing Simon says
Where should a child with ADHD sit?
In front row, directly in front of where the teacher stands
If a child is transgender & the parents support them, what should their gender be marked as on an assessment?
As what they identify as (not their birth gender)- but consider norms for a boy
Which type of CP do eating deficits occur more?
Spastic quadriplegia
What is important to start with in a child who has poor lip closure, tongue control, and no chewing patterns?
Provide external support for oral motor structures (jaw stability, cheeks)
Spina bifida myelomeningocele
Sac on lumbar spine, lower body paralysis
How often are students re-evaluated in the public school system?
Every three years for special ed
Supine stander
Provide child with head/trunk control to control his eye gaze (make eye contact with his peers)
Comprehensive Behavioral Intervention for Tics (for Tourette’s syndrome)
Unique role of OT (that PT does not address)
Sleep hygiene