seizures Flashcards
akinetic/atonic seizures
loss of muscle tone for less than 30 seconds
tonic clonic seizures
- most frequent
- Sensation that seizure is about to begin (aura) followed by LOC & rhythmic clonus contractions
- Lasts up to 5 minutes
- Incontinence common
- drowsy/sleepy for next 1-2 hrss
sensation seizure is going to start
myoclonic seizures
contractions of single muscle/muscle groups
status epilepticus seizures
extended seizures in rapid succession
- prompt intervention needed for function/hydration
- life threatening, death rare
- erratic heart rhythm
when do status epilepticus seizures typically occur?
with tonic clonic seizures that are not well controlled
absence/petit mal seizure
- Brief lapse, loss of awareness along with absence of motor activity
- eye blinking, staring into space
- less than 15-30 seconds
- Mistaken for daydreaming
- No loss of muscle tone
- Child does not fall down, does not recall episode or any lapse in time
- Occur between 4 and 12 years
generalized seizures
akinetic/atonic, myoclonic, status epilepticus, absence/petit mal
partial seizures
complex partial/psychomotor, simple partial
complex partial/psychomotor seizures
- varied symptoms
- temporal lobe
- lip smacking, chewing, buttoning & unbuttoning
- confused, dazed, unable to respond to questions or directions
- alternating consciousness/unconsciousness
- visual/auditory sensations just before seizure
which seizure is similar to absence seizures
complex partial/psychomotor
simple partial seizure
- motor cortex
- result: clonic activity of face/extremities
- Sudden movement of single body part with no change in vitals
mixed seizures
generalized & partial
infantile spasms
west syndrome, infantile myoclonic seizures, jackknife epilepsy
- 6-24 months, begins 3-9 months
- slows/stops development, loss of skills
- head droop, arm flexion
- may occur 100s of times per day
- poor prognosis
- sometimes decreases over years, replaced with other seizure disorders
- may indicate tuberous sclerosis
tuberous sclerosis
rare genetic disease, benign tumors in brain and several areas of the body (spinal cord, nerves, eyes, lung, heart, kidneys, and skin)