Splendid Isolation Flashcards
What is the policy of Splendid Isolation, as described by Foreign Minister Lord Derby in 1866?
- Keep Britain in good relations with surrounding nations
- Keep Britain out of alliances
- Only get Britain involved in matters with a foreign country that apply to them
- Maintain a balance of power in Europe to suit Britain’s interests and keep it powerful
Who said “our isolation is not an isolation of weakness”?
Viscount Goschen, First Lord of the Admiralty in 1896
What were Britain’s interests in the Med in the late C19th?
- Preserve the balance of power in the region; prop up the Ottoman Empire so that other powers can’t take advantage of it
- Preserved interests in the Suez Canal and finance capital in Turkey
What were Russia’s interests in the Med in the late C19th?
- Protect control of the Dardanelle Straits for trade and military reasons i.e. stop navies coming into Black Sea
- Support the Slavs in the Balkans and defend the Christian Orthodox Church there
- Regain international status and prestige following the defeat in the Crimean War
What were Austria-Hungary’s interests in the Med in the late C19th?
- Keep the Ottoman Empire propped up so as to: stop Russian expansion and to prevent separatist movements being inspired in their own empire
- Gain influence in the Balkans if the Ottoman Empire wanes, especially after losing Germany in the 1860s and 1870s
What were Italy’s interests in the Med in the late C19th?
- Increase the recently unified nations prestige (1866) by expanding influence into the Balkans and Med
What were France’s interests in the Med in the late C19th?
- Regain political status in Europe after the defeat in the Franco-Prussian War (and Napolen’s defeat)
- Extend and preserve influence in Romania due to strong cultural ties
- Keep montoring and controlling Ottoman finances to secure returns off investment there. Increase influence in Ottoman Empire like through the taking of Tunisia
What were the Ottoman’s interests in the Med in the late C19th?
- The Ottomans wanted to re-assert their hold and control over their empire, particularly in the Balkans
- Limit the influence of France and Britain in their empire and economy
Why were British naval forces concentrated in Mediterranean ports prior to 1900?
- To deter moves against the Ottoman Empire which could weaken it further
- To protect access to and out of the Suez Canal, which formed part of the vital trade route from India and South Africa
- Both of these would maintain Britain’s power in Europe and prevent other powers gaining much more of it too e.g. France had concentrated naval forces in Toulon and Bizerta
What was the 1889 Naval Defence Act? How was it altered in 1897?
- It formally adopted the Two-Power Standard i.e. Britain builds two ships for France’s or Russia’s one.
- From 1897, the Two-Power Standard had a margin over of 10% which allowed Britain to build even more ships to provide for contingencies in the face of Germany
How is the Two-Power Standard an expression of Splendid Isolation?
- Shows Britain actively trying to maintain the power balance in Europe and keep on top, by ensuring that their navy also remains proportionally more powerful than European competitors.
What factors threatened the European balance of power in the late C19th?
- The militarisation of France, Russia and Germany
- Conflicts and tensions over colonial possessions
- The instability of the Ottoman Empire and conflicting aims in the Med
- The emergence of Germany and Italy as new unified powers
Name examples of European conflict in the empire in the late C19th:
- Afghanistan in 1878/9
- Fashoda Crisis in 1898
- Krueger Telegram and Jameson Raid in 1895
- Seizure of Suez in 1882
- Competition between Karl Peters and William Mckinnon in East Africa 1886
What was the name given to Bismarck’s policy of maintaining the status quo in Europe? Why did he want to prevent French aggression?
Since France was aggrieved by the defeat in the Franco-Prussian war and hence, a conflict with them was likely. Bismarck wanted to avoid this
When was the Three Emperors League in place? What was its goal?
1873-5 and 1881-7
Composed of Germany, A-H and Russia
Designed to manage conflicts between the great powers
When was the Dual Alliance set up? What was its goal?
To defend Germany and Austria-Hungary’s interests against those of Russia
When was the Triple Alliance concluded? What motivated Italy to join this?
Italy was angered by the French annexation of Tunisia in 1881
Whilst Bismarck’s alliances acted as a deterrent to French aggression, how may they have contributed to instability?
Russia and A-H’s relationship was worsened by Germany joining with A-H as a defense to Russian interests. Likewise, France was pushed by the alliances to look for their own one and Russia thus appeared the ideal candidate for them. This set up the framework for European War.
What were the Mediterranean Agreements?
1887 Agreements (although not formal treaties) between Britain, Italy, Spain, AH and mediated by Germany. Acknowledged a desire to preserve the status quo in the Mediterranean i.e. Ottoman Empire. This was partially to inhibit Russian imperial power in the Balkans. Italy's interests were also reinforced against those of France.
What was the impact of great power rivalry on the partition of the Ottoman Empire?
It slowed this process down.
What was the crucial reason for Britain to not pursue alliances like Bismarck?
Informal agreements and flexible shifting of support enabled Britain to maintain a balance of power without alliances. This corresponded to Splendid Isolation.