Scramble for Africa Flashcards
How much did Egypt’s foreign debt increase by between 1863 and 1879? Where had British banks invested lots?
Increased from £3m to £100m
Suez Canal
What forced the Egyptian ruler Ismail to turn to Britain and France in the mid 1870s?
Egypt had a debt crisis which threatened economic collapse. The ruler turned to the two countries with the greatest foreign investment in Egypt to help.
When did the Anglo-French rescue plan for Egypt emerge? What were its measures?
1878 - it cut the pay of the army and the civil service and introduced VAT on food and goods
What prompted the British government to formally control Egypt from 1882?
The nationalist movement led by Arabi Pasha.
When was colonel Charles Gordon sent to act as Governor General of Egyptian administered Sudan?
When did Gladstone order the removal of British and Egyptian troops from Sudan? Why?
1884 - because the French were suspicious of Britain using nationalist uprisings as an excuse to takeover nations e.g. Egypt with Pasha and Sudan with Ahmad
When did the British re-launch a campaign into Sudan?
When and what was the Fashoda incident? How was it resolved?
1899 - Kitchener pressed onto Fashoda (the headquarters of the Nile) after his successes in Sudan where the French had been trying to gain territory. This provoked the French, who seeing Britain’s military might backed down by agreeing to stay out the Nile Valley in return for territory further west.
When did the Parliamentary select committee recommend no further colonial expansion in West Africa?
Which man on the spot was responsible for expanding British influence in West Africa? Where did he expand without government approval?
George Goldie
Sierra Leone and the Gold Coast
What events occured in West Africa which led to the Berlin conference?
France was expanding from Senegal whilst King Leopold set up the Congo Free State after signing treaties with several West African Rulers. This prompted the French to create the French Congo. Subsequently, Bismarck seized Togoland and the Cameroons. It was decided that the conference was the best way to alleviate tensions.
What guarantee did the British get at the Berlin conference about West Africa?
That their economic interests on the Niger (through Goldie’s Royal Niger Company) would be maintained.
When was Goldie’s Royal Niger Company given a charter by the British government? (essentially conferring control)
Why did the Royal Niger Company transfer its territories to the British government in 1900?
Because it was unable to hold its own against the state-supported protectorates of France and Germany in the region. Likewise, Goldie’s company was severly unprofitable.
What was William McKinnon’s company in East Africa?
The Imperial British East Africa Company
Who was McKinnon’s German counterpart?
Karl Peters
Why did the British government later give support to McKinnon despite refusing to back his former potential acquisition of territory in 1878?
Because McKinnon now faced competition from Karl Peters who was supported by Bismarck. As a result, it was political rivalry which provoked the British government to intervene.
Following the Berlin conference, which East African territories did Britain acquire over the following decade?
Uganda, Kenya, Zanzibar, Pemba and British Somaliland
When was McKinnon’s Imperial British East Africa Compnay given a royal charter? Why did the British government have to assume control of his company’s territories in 1895?
Because his company failed
Which other European rival had a presence in East Africa? Where?
Italy - Eritrea and Somaliland
What was the “Great Trek” in South Africa? What were its main consequences?
It was the movement of Afrikaaner farmers further north to escape British rule in the 1840s. Led to the creation of two Boer states: Orange Free State and the Transvaal. This brought the boers into conflict with the Zulus.
Which two south African territories were taken in 1868 and 1871? Why?
Basutoland and Griqualand
Colonial Secretary Lord Carnavon was keen on acquiring them to “protect them from the Boers”
Which colonalist man on the spot annexed the Transvaal in 1877?
Bartle Frere (Colonial Governer at the Cape)
When did Frere annex Zululand?
Why was Gladstone forced to free the Transvaal in 1881?
Because the Boer’s successfully rebelled against British rule in the first Boer war (1880-81)
Why did the British take Bechuanaland in 1885?
Due to the danger of a Boer-German link-up after Germany took South West Africa in 1884
Which man on the spot initiated the counquest of land north of the Transvaal? ie. Southern Rhodesia. What was his company?
Cecil Rhodes - British South Africa Company
Why did the British government endorse Rhode’s ruling of Southern Rhodesia in 1890?
In order to forestall the Germans, Boers and Portugese
Which other territories did the British South Africa Company take in the 1890s (Northern Rhodesia)?
Barotseland (Zambia)
Nyasaland (Malawi)
Why did Rhodes launch an invasion of the Transvaal in 1895?
Because President Krueger denied foreigners in the country looking for gold the right to vote (many were British)
Why did Britain instigate the Second Boer War?
Following the failed invasion in 1895, the Kaiser congratulated President Kruger and Kruger proceded to important thousands of German Mauser rifles. This cemented fears of Germany allying with the Boers against Britain.
When was the Union of South Africa formed?